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Works (3)

Experience in Assessing Competencies in Self-Regulted Learning in Blended Learning Environments

Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia
2024-08-10 | Journal article
Contributors: S. M. Bakhisheva; G. B. Golub; A. M. Kemeshova; Z. G. Mukhtar; J. S. Kazhiakparova
Source: check_circle

Unified blended learning environment: the Kazakhstani context

The Education and science journal
2024-04-19 | Journal article
Contributors: S. M. Bakhisheva; E. V. Tikhonyuk; Z. G. Mukhtar; R. S. Kinzhekova; A. M. Kemeshova
Source: check_circle

Unified blended learning management system

Alma mater. Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Svetlana M. Bakhisheva; Zinur G. Mukhtar
Source: check_circle