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Shailendra Singh, has served as a post-graduate assistant, and research scholar in high research enrich laboratories and institutions in the field of power and energy systems. Currently, he is associated with Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) as a Research Engineer. He received his PhD. degree in Electrical engineering in 2022 and M.Tech degree in Power Systems Engineering in 2016 from Indian Institute of Technology BHU, Varanasi, India. He has experience in modelling distribution systems and DER integration of low-carbon technologies such as electric vehicles, photovoltaics, energy storage systems and micro-grids modelling in MATLAB software. His PhD. work primarily focused on integrating electric vehicles in active distribution networks, their impact and owner benefits. Moreover, the developed methods were been authenticated via a real-time co-simulation platform using a Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS), MicroLab box (dSPACE 1202) and Real-Time Automation Controller (RTAC). He has developed Python, MATLAB and PSCAD-based co-simulation platforms for time domain analysis and Hardware-in-loop simulation for validating the schemes using RTDS/RSCAD, GTAO/GTAI card and dSPACE-based laboratory setup. He has also developed a wide-area monitoring system on a benchmark test system in a real-time environment with low voltage interfacing of physical PMUs and monitoring the data in a phasor data concentrator (PDC). He has reviewed several papers in reputed journals and many prestigious conferences.