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I'm Sisanda Nkoala, an Associate Professor at the University of the Western Cape. I hold a PhD in Rhetoric Studies from the University of Cape Town, where my research focused on the persuasive aspects of television news reports about crime and justice.
My research interests are in the rhetoric and language of media ecologies in South Africa, covering topics like multilingual education, journalism education, media law, and court and crime reporting. I've presented my research at international and national conferences, and published extensively in peer reviewed journals including Journalism Studies, Information, Communication & Society and International Journal of Multilingualism.
I am an associate editor of the Journal of Communication Technology and am finalising a special issue as a guest editor of the African Journalism Studies journal. I have two edited book volumes published by Palgrave Macmillan on 100 Years of Radio in South Africa
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Funding (4)
FREC:REF: 016/19
Works (33)\&lr=\&id=oZYqEAAAQBAJ\&oi=fnd\&pg=PA127\&dq=%22sisanda+nkoala%22\&ots=kEwUeY7h31\&sig=ZhxRQFwEqF3Xb5vnBfj8zLPKKQg