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Works (8)

A nationwide survey on the curriculum and educational resources related to the Clinical Skills Test of the Korean Medical Licensing Examination: a cross-sectional descriptive study

Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions
2025-03-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Eun-Kyung Chung; Seok Hoon Kang; Do-Hoon Kim; MinJeong Kim; Ji-Hyun Seo; Keunmi Lee; Eui-Ryoung Han
Source: check_circle

Effects of early clinical and basic laboratory exposure program on premedical students: a questionnaire survey

Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
2022-10-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Kyu Hyang Cho; Hyun Sook Ko; Kyung Hee Lee; Tae-Yoon Hwang; Keun-Mi Lee; Sae Yoon Kim; Min Cheol Chang
Source: check_circle

Comparison of Heavy Smoking and Related Risk Factors for One-Person and Multi-Person Households

Korean Journal of Family Practice
2022-04-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Byeong Hwa Han; Hyun-su Kang; Keun Mi Lee; Seung Pil Jung
Source: check_circle

A Comparison of the Factor Analysis on Smoking Cessation Success between Inpatient Smoking Cessation Program and Residential Smoking Cessation Program

Korean Journal of Health Promotion
2021-09-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Ga-Hee Lee; Keun-Mi Lee; Seung-Pil Jung
Source: check_circle

Changes in Indicators after Assessment of Diabetes Mellitus Adequacy Evaluation: Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service Data 2010-2015

Korean Journal of Health Promotion
2020-12-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Hyun-Soo Kang; Min-Taek Lim; Bo-Yeon Kim; Kyong-Do Han; Keun-Mi Lee; Seung-Pil Jung
Source: check_circle

The Status and Effects of Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination in Hospitalized Patients Population with Chronic Conditions

Korean Journal of Family Practice
2019-12-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Oh Young Kim; Keun Mi Lee; Seung Pil Jung
Source: check_circle

Associations between smartphone addiction scale and sociopsychological aspects in medical school students

Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine
2017-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Hye In Kim; Seong Hi Cheon; Hwa Jeong Kang; Keunmi Lee; Seung Pil Jung
Source: check_circle

Student selection factors of admission and academic performance in one medical school

Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine
2017-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Keunmi Lee; Taeyoon Hwang; So young Park; Hyoungchul Choi; Wanseok Seo; Philhyun Song
Source: check_circle