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Graduated “cum Laude” in Biological Sciences in November 1989 at the University of Padova. Passed the professional examination in April 1991 at the University of Parma, after spending one year of research training at Fidia Research Labs on the age-related changes in brain synapsin and glial fibrillary acidic protein.
From 1991 to 1992 she worked as a science consultant on a science documentary on psychoneuroenodocrinoimmunology from birth to senescence (Ouroboros- the circle of life. 1992, Italy, 35mm. directed by Carlo Alberto Pinelli H2O prod., Rome).
From 1992 to 1996 she worked as Information Scientist in an Italian pharmaceutical company, engaged both in the human and veterinary field.
Since 1994 she has been working as a scientific journalist, serving as editor-in-chief of “Review-on” up to 1996, and “Innovation in Veterinary Medicine” from 1997 to the present day.
She is a cofounder of the innovative Italian veterinary company Innovet Italia srl (1996) and currently the R&D Director of the Company.
In 2019 she has been appointed as an advisor to the Board of Directors of Epitech Group SpA with special reference to the company research strategy.