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My research interests are sea-floor morphology and marine environmental changes, focusing on surficial geological and past oceanographic conditions and how they are influenced by climate change, glaciation activities, sea-level changes and human activities. I use multiple analytical techniques, such as sediment facies analysis (e.g., sediment texture, sub-bottom seismic profiles), palynological analysis (microfossils: dinoflagellate cysts, pollen and spores, charcoal, foraminiferal organic linings, etc.), and geochemical proxies to study past sea-surface temperature, sea-surface salinity, marine primary productivity, water masses and other oceanographic conditions and sedimentary environment on various time scales. My research mainly contributes to the following aspects:
-Sea-floor morphology of West Coast Canada, particularly regarding Queen Charlotte Strait and Milbanke Sound.
-Reconstruction of past sedimentary environment and oceanographic conditions in the North Pacific at various time scales.
-Holocene Asian monsoon climatic and oceanographic changes in the western Pacific region
-Mangrove succession and mega-delta initiation in response to the Holocene relative sea-level change and monsoon climatic variation.
-Human activities in response to modern mega-delta initiation and coastal development.
-Classification and taxonomy of dinoflagellate cysts.