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Energy conversion and management


Holder of a PhD Degree in Energetics, Professor DJONGYANG Noël cumulate more than 20
years of experience in energy systems in general and renewable energy in particular. In addition
to his broad knowledge of the field, he deepened his knowledge through several internships and
seminars before putting his expertise at the service of several private companies and public
entities in Cameroon and Chad. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Renewable Energy of the
National Advanced School of Engineering of Maroua and former trainer at the business
incubator, he combines engineering and pedagogy. He acquired solid skills in consulting and
auditing in energy efficiency, sizing and installation of stand-alone systems (solar and wind),
solar powered pumping systems, cooling chambers, multilevel matrix for clean cooking,
ecological charcoal production and utilization, households biogas production, improved stove
design and construction, Design and sizing of the Microgasification and thermoelectrical
cookers, Improved smoking kiln design and construction, … He provides practical and
theoretical teaching at the Renewable Energy Department of the National Advanced School of
Engineering of Maroua where he is the Head of Department


Employment (1)

University of Maroua: Maroua, Far north, CM

2013-03 to present | Head of department (Renewable energy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Noel Djongyang