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Employment (1)

Örebro University: Örebro, SE

2019 to present | Associate Professor (School of Health Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dean Barker

Funding (7)

Discourses of body, health and weight among Physical Education and Health teachers

2018-03 to 2021-03 | Grant
Vetenskapsrådet (Stockholm, SE)


Source: Self-asserted source
Dean Barker

Learning to move differently: Developing a non-dualistic theory of movement learning

2018-01 to 2021-12 | Grant
Vetenskapsrådet (Stockholm, SE)


Source: Self-asserted source
Dean Barker

Physical education and cultural diversity: A continuing examination of current practices

2015-01 to 2015-12 | Grant
Centrum for Idrottsforskning (Stockholm, SE)


Source: Self-asserted source
Dean Barker

Physical education and cultural diversity: Examining current practices

2014-01 to 2014-12 | Grant
Centrum for Idrottsforskning (Stockholm, SE)


Source: Self-asserted source
Dean Barker

Preparing Olympic athletes for lives outside of elite sport: Towards best practice

2011-01 to 2012-02 | Grant
International Olympic Committee (Lausanne, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dean Barker

Just playing games? Achieving socio-educative outcomes in physical education

2009-01 to 2010-03 | Salary award
Universität Basel (Basel, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dean Barker

Social integration of youths with migration background through sport

2008-01 to 2012-01 | Grant
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Zurich, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dean Barker

Peer review (72 reviews for 11 publications/grants)

Review activity for Curriculum studies in health and physical education. (9)
Review activity for European journal for sport and society. (2)
Review activity for European physical education review. (7)
Review activity for Health education journal (1)
Review activity for Journal of teaching in physical education. (9)
Review activity for Physical education and sport pedagogy. (19)
Review activity for Quest. (3)
Review activity for Scandinavian journal of educational research. (1)
Review activity for Sport, education and society. (17)
Review activity for Sports coaching review. (3)
Review activity for The Curriculum journal. (1)