Personal information
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I graduated in physics in 1988 at the Torino University and then I spent 3 years at CERN working in hadronic physics in the PS201 (OBELIX) collaboration. In 1991 I got a permanent research position at the Torino INFN unit and 1993 I moved to the Frascati National Laboratory of INFN (LNF) to work on hypernuclear physics at the FINUDA experiment conducted at the local e+e- collider (DAFNE).
In the period 2001-2003 I was again at CERN to work in the international collaboration DIRAC (PS211) to study pionic atoms.
In 2003 I won a national competition and I got the new position of "primo ricercatore" at LNF and in 2018 another one for the position of "dirigente di ricerca".
From 2003 to 2016 I was among the proponents of the PANDA experiment for studying antiproton annihilations at FAIR. Within this collaboration I've been deputy spokesperson (2005-2013) and physics coordinator (2014-2016).
In the period 2013-2016 I joined the ALICE collaboration working within the LNF group.
In the period 2014-2015 I was also named deputy director of LNF.
In the period 2015-2022 I covered the role of head of the research division.
In the period 2016-2023 I have been the group leader of the PADME LNF group. PADME aims at finding experimental evidences of dark matter in the sub-GeV energy range studying the annihilations of the Frascati positron beam with the electrons of a thin nuclear target.
Since August 2024 I am the Director of LNF.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (1)
Funding (3)