Personal information
Dr. Uladzimir (or Vladimir) Petrovich Minkovich
1. Full surname, forenames and title:
Minkovich Uladzimir (or Vladimir) Petrovich, Ph.D.
2. Date and place of birth and present citizenship:
November 29, 1951, Mogilev, Belarus (former USSR)
Citizen of the Republic of Belarus.
3. Education and short scientific biography:
Senior Researcher in “Optical Systems of Location, Communication, and Information Processing” The Higher Attestation Committee at the USSR Government, Moscow, in November 1991.
Ph.D. in “Optical Systems of Location, Communication, and Information Processing” – from the Institute of Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, in April 1986.
Thesis: “Production and investigation of optical fibers coated by polymers of different kinds”.
Post-graduate student since November 1978 –(IRE) Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (at present the Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Fryazino, Moscow Region, Russia.
Research in the field of Optical Fiber Technology.
Ph.D. dissertation “Production and Investigation of Optical Fibers Coated by Polymers of Different Kinds” with main chapters:
-optical fiber drawing,
-optical fiber coating,
-tensile strength of optical fibers,
-effect of environment on the strength and optical losses in optical fibers.
Engineer (Master) in “Process chemical engineering, specializing in polymer production process” –from the Belarussian Technological Institute (the University since 2000), Minsk, Belarus in June 1973.
Researcher, senior researcher, since November 1981.
Institute of Applied Optics of the Belarussian Academy of Sciences, Mogilev, Belarus.
Head of the Laboratory for Pulsed Optics, since September 1995.
Institute of Applied Optics of the Belarussian Academy of Sciences, Mogilev, Belarus.
Visiting researcher, from 10/1997 to 11/1997. Strathclyde University, Glassgow (United Kingdom), research in the field of fiber optic sensors.
Visiting professor, from 09/ 2008 to 08/2009. The Centre for Optics, Photonics and Lasers (COPL) at Laval University, Quebec, Quebec (Canada), research in the field of photonic crystal fiber applications.
Visiting researcher, from 16/01/2011 to 30/01/2011 and from 16/01/2012 to 27/01/2012. The Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials (CPPM) at the University of Bath (United Kingdom), participation in the first and the second courses “Fabrication and Physics of Photonic Crystal Fibers”.
Visiting researcher, from 16/03/2015 to 16/09/2015. The Department of Communications Engineeing, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieria de Bilbao, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain, Research in the field of polymer photonic crystal fiber fabrication.
Profesor Investigador Titular B, since January 1999, Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, A.C., Leon GTO, Mexico.
4. Research Interests:
His research interests were focused on technology of conventional optical fibers for communication and special fibers for sensors, development of fiber optic laser equipment for medical and technical applications.
His current research interests include:
-design, fabrication, characterization, and investigation of conventional (silica and polymer) optical fibers for car-building undustry, for communication systems, for medicine, for fiber lasers and sensor applications;
-design, fabrication, characterization, and investigation of silica photonic crystal fibers for medicine, fiber lasers and sensor applications.