Personal information
Medical Student at Cesumar University (UniCesumar) [2017-Current]. Vice-President of the General Surgery and Anesthesiology Interest Group [2020-Current]. PIBIC Scholarship Foundation Araucária [2020-Current]. South Regional Assistant of the Scientific Team of the International Federation of Medical Students' Association of Brazil (IFMSA Brazil) [2019-2020]. Adviser to CAMN (Miguel Nicolelis Academic Center) [2019-2020]. Scientific Director of the General Surgery and Anesthesiology Interest Group [2019-2020]. Internal Vice-President of CAMN (Academic Center Miguel Nicolelis) [2018-2019]. Vice-President [2018-2019] and Scientific Director [2017-2018] of the Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology Interest Group. Local Director of Publication, Research and Extension at IFMSA Brazil UniCesumar and Director of NUPEC (Nucleus for Scientific Research) at IFMSA Brazil UniCesumar [2018-2019]. Email: / Open Science Framework:
Education and qualifications (2)
Works (10)