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Jérôme Mendes received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Coimbra (UC) in 2014. Following his PhD, in 2015, he was awarded a competitive Postdoctoral FCT in 2015.
From 2019 to 2023, he became a Researcher at the Institute of Systems and Robotics and an Invited Assistant Professor at UC. Since June 2023, he has been a Senior Researcher at the UC.
Jérôme has been involved as a team member with enterprise partners in several R&D projects, focusing his research on developing computational intelligence-based solutions, mainly for smart industry, with an emphasis on intelligent control (adaptive, auto-tuning, predictive, data-driven, evolving, and interpretable); intelligent identification (prediction of unknown and time-varying systems, automatic identification design with evolving and interpretable capability), and intelligent failure detection.
As a result, he has published more than 65 papers and been involved in 15 R&D projects as team member and (co)-PI of 7 R&D projects. Moreover, Jérôme has been the (co)- supervisor of 7 (ongoing) Ph.D. students, 26 Master students (3 of them are ongoing), and 26 research fellows.
Jérôme has been IFAC Industry Committee Member, member of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Association of Automatic Control (APCA), Associated Editor, organizer of Special Issues and Special Sessions, Program Committee member at international conferences, and a periodical reviewer of several international journals and conferences.