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tokamaks, ECR/DC/rf/microwave plasma sources, Time series analysis


Employment (1)

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi: Hauz Khas, New Delhi, IN

2022-12-15 to present | Professor (Department of Energy Science and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source

Education and qualifications (1)

Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics: Kolkata, West Bengal, IN

2007-12-05 to present | Ph. D. [Science] (Plasma Physics Division)
Source: Self-asserted source

Professional activities (1)

Plasma Science Society of India: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, IN

1999-12 to present | Life Member (Department of Energy Science and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source

Works (10)

Observation of plasma boundary induced Negative Differential Resistance (NDR) in a planar DC discharge system

Physica Scripta
2023-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Prashant K Barnwal; A Ganguli; R Narayanan
Source: check_circle

A new J.E probe for measurement of spatial profiles of power absorption in RF produced plasma

Review of Scientific Instruments
2023-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Arti Rawat; A. Ganguli; Ramesh Narayanan; R. D. Tarey
Source: check_circle

Characterization of DC glow discharge plasma in co-axial electrode geometry system by nonlinear dynamical analysis tools

Physics of Plasmas
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: R. Kumar; R. Narayanan; R. D. Tarey; A. Ganguli
Source: check_circle

Effect of plasma boundary and electrode asymmetry in planar DC discharge system

Physics of Plasmas
2022-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Prashant K. Barnwal; A. Ganguli; R. Narayanan; R. D. Tarey
Source: check_circle

Correlation of stochastic and ohmic power absorption with observed RF harmonics and plasma parameters in capacitively coupled discharges

Plasma Research Express
2020-09-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Arti Rawat; A Ganguli; Ramesh Narayanan; R D Tarey
Source: check_circle

A novel ex situ diagnostic technique for characterizing harmonics in radio frequency discharges

Review of Scientific Instruments
2020-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Arti Rawat; A. Ganguli; Ramesh Narayanan; R. D. Tarey
Source: check_circle

Thrust evaluation of compact ECR plasma source using 2-zone global model and plasma measurements

Plasma Sources Science and Technology
2020-08-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Anshu Verma; A Ganguli; D Sahu; Ramesh Narayanan; R D Tarey
Source: check_circle

Plasma boundary induced electron-to-ion sheath transition in planar DC discharge

Physics of Plasmas
2020-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Prashant K. Barnwal; S. Kar; R. Narayanan; R. D. Tarey; A. Ganguli
Source: check_circle

Investigations on argon and hydrogen plasmas produced by compact ECR plasma source

Plasma Research Express
2019-09-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Anshu Verma; Priti Singh; Ramesh Narayanan; D Sahu; S Kar; A Ganguli; R D Tarey
Source: check_circle

Evaluation of compact ECR plasma source for thruster applications

Plasma Sources Science and Technology
2019-03-20 | Journal article
Contributors: A Ganguli; R D Tarey; R Narayanan; A Verma
Source: check_circle

Peer review (3 reviews for 3 publications/grants)

Review activity for AIP advances. (1)
Review activity for Physics of plasmas. (1)
Review activity for Review of scientific instruments online. (1)