Personal information
Shengbo Eben Li received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University in 2006 and 2009. Before joining Tsinghua University, he has worked at Stanford University, University of Michigan, and UC Berkeley. His active research interests include intelligent vehicles and driver assistance, deep reinforcement learning, optimal control and estimation, etc. He is the author of over 190 peer-reviewed journal/conference papers, and co-inventor of over 40 patents. Dr. Li has received over 20 prestigious awards, including Youth Sci. & Tech Award of Ministry of Education (annually 10 receivers in China), Natural Science Award of Chinese Association of Automation (First level), National Award for Progress in Sci & Tech of China, and best (student) paper awards of IET ITS, IEEE ITS, IEEE ICUS, CVCI, etc. He also serves as Board of Governor of IEEE ITS Society, Senior AE of IEEE OJ ITS, and AEs of IEEE ITSM, IEEE TITS, IEEE TIV, IEEE TNNLS, etc.