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Works (4)

Old Dogs, New Tricks: Re-examining Photographic Spectra of Plaskett’s Star

The Astronomical Journal
2025-01-03 | Journal article
Contributors: T. J. Davidge
Source: check_circle

The Digitization of Photographic Spectra in the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Plate Collection with Commercial Scanners: A Pilot Study

The Astronomical Journal
2024-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: T. J. Davidge
Source: check_circle

V1507 CYGNI (HD187399): A Highly Evolved, Enigmatic Interacting Binary System with an Eccentric Orbit

The Astronomical Journal
2023-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: T. J. Davidge
Source: check_circle

The Environments around W Serpentis Systems: Independent Limits on System Masses and Extended Envelopes

The Astronomical Journal
2023-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: T. J. Davidge
Source: check_circle