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I am Dr. Dler Salih Hasan, a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology in the College of Science at Salahaddin University-Erbil. I earned my PhD as a split-site student between the University of Salahaddin-Erbil and the University of Florida (USA) in Robotics Engineering. My research interests are in Robotics and the Internet of Things IoT, as evidenced by my published works. I currently hold the position of Head of the Computer Science and IT department and have participated in various academic committees such as the Examining committee of B.Sc. students. I have taught a range of subjects to BSc. and MSc. students, including OOP, IoT, embedded systems, robotics engineering, and fundamentals of information technology. Additionally, I have supervised several B.Sc. graduate research and M.Sc. theses. Finally, I have also worked as a supervisor of central admission of students in the Kurdistan region/Iraq and the computer proficiency courses and examination (KCDL).
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Works (23)