Personal information



Ana Maria Mendonça received the PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP) in 1994, and she is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) of FEUP. From 2006 to 2014 she was member of the Executive Board of DEEC, where she acted as Deputy Director from 2010 to 2014. She was the Director of the Master in Biomedical Engineering and she is now member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering. Since October, 2014, she is Vice-Dean of FEUP.
Ana Maria Mendonça was a researcher at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering (INEB) from 1989 to 2014. She was a member of the Board of Directors of INEB from 2002 to 2014, and she served as President of the Board from 2012 to 2014. She is currently a researcher at INESC TEC – INESC Technology and Science, where she integrates the Center for Biomedical Engineering Research (C-BER).
Her research work has been mostly dedicated to the development of image analysis and classification methodologies aiming at extracting essential information from medical images in order to support the diagnosis process. Past work has been primarily focused on three main areas: retinal pathologies, lung diseases and genetic disorders, but ongoing work is primarily focused on the retinal image analysis field.
Previous work on automated classification of lysosomal storage disorders was recently extended with the implementation of new approaches encompassing the development of a screening tool for other genetic disorders. Another line of research aimed at the development of methods for characterizing lung nodules evolution for follow-up purposes, including the identification of their benign-malignant status. Previous experience in automated analysis of retinal images, namely for the segmentation of the main retinal structures was recently extended with new developments in this medical area aiming at designing methods for some vision threatening retinal pathologies. A new line of research for the automated analysis of optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the retina was also recently launched.


Employment (1)

Universidade do Porto: Porto, PT

Professora Associada (Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ana Maria Mendonça

Education and qualifications (1)

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia: Porto, PT

1994-02-24 | PhD (Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ana Maria Mendonça

Funding (9)

LNDetector - Automatic Detection, Segmentation and Classification of Pulmonary Nodules System in Computed Tomography Images

2016-06 to 2019-05 | Contract
N/A (N/A, PT)


Source: check_circle

SCREEN-DR: Image Analysis and Machine Learning Platform for Innovation in Diabetic Retinopathy Screning

2016-04 to present | Contract
N/A (N/A, PT)


Source: check_circle

NanoSTIMA - Macro-to-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated Multimodal Health Monitoring and Analytic

2015-06 to 2018-12 | Contract
N/A (N/A, PT)


Source: check_circle

FabryScreen - Screening for Fabry disease based on automatic classification of chromatographic images

Source: Self-asserted source
Ana Maria Mendonça via DimensionsWizard
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Integrated Analysis of Stem Cells Function in Plant Growth and Development

Source: Self-asserted source
Ana Maria Mendonça via DimensionsWizard
Preferred source (of 3)‎

CombDec - Combining Decisions. Application in Chest Radiograph Image Analysis

2001-01 to 2004-12 | Contract
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Lisboa, PT)


Source: check_circle

AQIDO - Análise Quantitativa de Imagem na Avaliação de Doenças Oftalmológicas de Grande Prevalência

1996-01 to 1999-12 | Contract
N/A (N/A, PT)


Source: check_circle

Diagnóstico Automático de Alterações do Fundo do Olho com Aplicação ao Rastreio de Situações Patológicas

1987-01 to 1987 | Contract
N/A (N/A, PT)


Source: check_circle

Co-operative Modular Neural Network for Detection, Classification and Prediction of Ophthalmologic Diseases

1987 to present | Contract
N/A (N/A, PT)

AS-5-2-05 CRG97151

Source: check_circle