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Philip Hulme is the Distinguished Professor of Plant Biosecurity at Lincoln University, New Zealand. He is known for his pioneering work on the concept of One Biosecurity, which integrates human, animal, plant, and environmental health to address biosecurity threats comprehensively. His interdisciplinary approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of these sectors to effectively prevent and mitigate the impacts of invasive alien species. His work has been instrumental in highlighting the need for a unified biosecurity strategy that transcends traditional boundaries, aiming to protect global health and biodiversity from the increasing risks posed by biological invasions. He is internationally recognised for his research on biological invasions, especially his studies on invasive plant species. He has examined plant invasions in multiple global ecosystems ranging from the temperate biomes of the United States and Europe, the tropical forests of Sri Lanka and Tanzania, and even in the high Arctic in Scandinavia. His research covers all aspects of plant invasions ranging from introduction pathways, weed risk assessment, spatial spread, impacts and management. He has always focused on the applied significance of his research and has influenced international policy through his groundbreaking work on the ornamental nursery trade and especially the role of botanic gardens in plant invasions. In New Zealand, his research has tackled issues such as wilding conifer invasions, current and future risks of Acacia invasions, impacts of invaders on grassland ecosystems and the role of plant mutualisms on invasions. He received the New Zealand Ecological Society Award for Ecological Excellence in 2022 and was the inaugural recipient of the Lincoln University Global Science Medal in 2024.


Employment (1)

Lincoln University: Lincoln, Canterbury, NZ

2007-03-01 to present | Professor of Plant Biosecurity (Bio-Protection Research Centre)
Source: Self-asserted source
Philip Hulme

Professional activities (2)

Royal Society Te Apārangi: Wellington, Wellington, NZ

2019 | Hutton Medal
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Royal Society Te Apārangi

Royal Society Te Apārangi: Wellington, Wellington, NZ

2018 | Leonard Cockayne Lecture Award
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Royal Society Te Apārangi

Funding (2)

Nursery Crimes: Does the popularity and pricing of alien plant species traded in New Zealand ornamental horticulture markets determine the risk of introducing environmental weeds?

2021 to 2024 | Contract
Marsden Fund (Wellington, NZ)




Source: check_circle
Royal Society Te Apārangi

Testing the dynamic enemy release hypothesis for invasive species

2011 to 2014 | Contract
Marsden Fund (Wellington, NZ)




Source: check_circle
Royal Society Te Apārangi

Works (50 of 266)

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Trouble on the horizon: anticipating biological invasions through futures thinking

Biological Reviews
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme
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Low Richness of Invasive Non‐Native Plants in New Zealand Indigenous Forests May Not Reflect Low Impact

Diversity and Distributions
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Laureline Rossignaud; Philip E. Hulme
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Harder, better, faster, stronger? Dispersal in the Anthropocene

Trends in Ecology & Evolution
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Katelyn T. Faulkner; Philip E. Hulme; John R.U. Wilson
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Networks of risk: international tourists as a biosecurity pathway into national parks

Biological Invasions
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme
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Thematic mapping of biosecurity highlights divergent conceptual foundations in human, animal, plant and ecosystem health

2024-10-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme
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Bridging aquatic invasive species threats across multiple sectors through One Biosecurity

2024-08-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Jonathan Peter Bray; Chad Le Roy Hewitt; Philip Eric Hulme
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Benefits do not balance costs of biological invasions

2024-06-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Laís Carneiro; Philip E Hulme; Ross N Cuthbert; Melina Kourantidou; Alok Bang; Phillip J Haubrock; Corey J A Bradshaw; Paride Balzani; Sven Bacher; Guillaume Latombe et al.
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Systematic and persistent bias against invasion science: Framing conservation scientists

2024-06-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Simberloff; Alejandro Bortolus; James T Carlton; Franck Courchamp; Ross N Cuthbert; Philip E Hulme; Julie L Lockwood; Laura A Meyerson; Martín A Nuñez; Anthony Ricciardi et al.
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Curbing the major and growing threats from invasive alien species is urgent and achievable

Nature Ecology & Evolution
2024-06-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Helen E. Roy; Aníbal Pauchard; Peter J. Stoett; Tanara Renard Truong; Laura A. Meyerson; Sven Bacher; Bella S. Galil; Philip E. Hulme; Tohru Ikeda; Sankaran Kavileveettil et al.
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Citizen science is a vital partnership for invasive alien species management and research

2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael J.O. Pocock; Tim Adriaens; Sandro Bertolino; René Eschen; Franz Essl; Philip E. Hulme; Jonathan M. Jeschke; Helen E. Roy; Heliana Teixeira; Maarten de Groot
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Widespread imprecision in estimates of the economic costs of invasive alien species worldwide

Science of The Total Environment
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme; Danish A. Ahmed; Phillip J. Haubrock; Brooks A. Kaiser; Melina Kourantidou; Boris Leroy; Shana M. McDermott
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Potential risks of future herbicide-resistant weeds in New Zealand revealed through machine learning

New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
2024-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme
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No evidence of increased competitive ability among three widespread alien weeds in their introduced range

Plant Ecology
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Cristian-Andrei Costan; William Godsoe; Jennifer L. Bufford; Philip E. Hulme
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Is hybridisation with non‐native congeneric species a threat to the UK native bluebell Hyacinthoides non‐scripta?

2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Markus Ruhsam; Deborah Kohn; Jeannine Marquardt; Andrew R. Leitch; Harald Schneider; Johannes Vogel; Spencer C. H. Barrett; Philip E. Hulme; Jane Squirrell; Peter M. Hollingsworth
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High-performing plastic clones best explain the spread of yellow monkeyflower from lowland to higher elevation areas in New Zealand

Journal of Evolutionary Biology
2023-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Michelle Williamson; Daniel Gerhard; Philip E. Hulme; Aaron Millar; Hazel Chapman
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Native vegetation structure, landscape features and climate shape non‐native plant richness and cover in New Zealand native shrublands

Diversity and Distributions
2023-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Laureline Rossignaud; Philip E. Hulme
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Comparing the Above and Below-Ground Chemical Defences of Three Rumex Species Between Their Native and Introduced Provenances

Journal of Chemical Ecology
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Cristian-Andrei Costan; William Godsoe; Jennifer L. Bufford; Philip E. Hulme
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A century of weed change in New Zealand’s forage seed multiplication industry

2023-06-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Jesse M. Rubenstein; Philip E. Hulme; M. Philip Rolston; Alan V. Stewart; John G. Hampton
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Global assessment of three Rumex species reveals inconsistent climatic niche shifts across multiple introduced ranges

Biological Invasions
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Thomas F. Carlin; Jennifer L. Bufford; Philip E. Hulme; William K. Godsoe
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Can the enemy release hypothesis explain the success of Rumex (Polygonaceae) species in an introduced range?

Biological Invasions
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Cristian-Andrei Costan; William K. Godsoe; Jennifer L. Bufford; John W. M. Marris; Philip E. Hulme
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Declining readability of research on biological invasions over two decades

Biological Invasions
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme; Hazel Mclaren-Swift
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Quantifying the risk of non‐native conifer establishment across heterogeneous landscapes

Journal of Applied Ecology
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah V. Wyse; Thomas R. Etherington; Philip E. Hulme
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Relative roles of genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity in the invasion of monkeyflower Erythranthre gutatta in New Zealand

2022-06-06 | Preprint
Contributors: Michelle Williamson; Daniel Gerhard; Philip Hulme; Hazel M Chapman
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Global drivers of herbicide‐resistant weed richness in major cereal crops worldwide

Pest Management Science
2022-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E Hulme
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Competition–colonisation trade‐offs are found among but not within wind‐dispersed Pinus species

Functional Ecology
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah V. Wyse; Philip E. Hulme
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Importance of greater interdisciplinarity and geographic scope when tackling the driving forces behind biological invasions

Conservation Biology
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme
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Combining laser rangefinder and viewshed technologies to improve ground surveys of invasive tree distributions

Methods in Ecology and Evolution
2022-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah V. Wyse; Philip E. Hulme; Thomas R. Etherington
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Hierarchical cluster analysis of herbicide modes of action reveals distinct classes of multiple resistance in weeds

Pest Management Science
2022-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E Hulme
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Addressing context dependence in ecology

Trends in Ecology & Evolution
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Jane A. Catford; John R.U. Wilson; Petr Pyšek; Philip E. Hulme; Richard P. Duncan
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Species prevalence and plant traits discriminate between herbicide resistant and susceptible weeds

Pest Management Science
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E Hulme; Wenting Liu
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Seed size–number trade‐offs are absent in the introduced range for three congeneric plant invaders

Journal of Ecology
2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer L. Bufford; Philip E. Hulme
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Dispersal potential rather than risk assessment scores predict the spread rate of non‐native pines across New Zealand

Journal of Applied Ecology
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah V. Wyse; Philip E. Hulme
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Around the world in 500 years: Inter‐regional spread of alien species over recent centuries

Global Ecology and Biogeography
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Hanno Seebens; Tim M. Blackburn; Philip E. Hulme; Mark van Kleunen; Andrew M. Liebhold; Marina Orlova‐Bienkowskaja; Petr Pyšek; Stefan Schindler; Franz Essl; Cang Hui
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Botanic gardens play key roles in the regional distribution of first records of alien plants in China

Global Ecology and Biogeography
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Ming Ni; Philip E. Hulme; Alejandro Ordonez
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Increased adaptive phenotypic plasticity in the introduced range in alien weeds under drought and flooding

Biological Invasions
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer L. Bufford; Philip E. Hulme
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Viewing Emerging Human Infectious Epidemics through the Lens of Invasion Biology

2021-07-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Montserrat VilÀ; Alison M Dunn; Franz Essl; Elena GÓmez-DÍaz; Philip E Hulme; Jonathan M Jeschke; MartÍn A NÚÑez; Richard S Ostfeld; AnÍbal Pauchard; Anthony Ricciardi et al.
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Unwelcome exchange: International trade as a direct and indirect driver of biological invasions worldwide

One Earth
2021-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme
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A habitat‐based assessment of the role of competition in plant invasions

Journal of Ecology
2021-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Jason D. Fridley; Insu Jo; Philip E. Hulme; Richard P. Duncan; Ayub Oduor
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Projecting the continental accumulation of alien species through to 2050

Global Change Biology
2021-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Hanno Seebens; Sven Bacher; Tim M. Blackburn; César Capinha; Wayne Dawson; Stefan Dullinger; Piero Genovesi; Philip E. Hulme; Mark van Kleunen; Ingolf Kühn et al.
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Advancing One Biosecurity to Address the Pandemic Risks of Biological Invasions

2021-03-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E Hulme
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Naturalised plants transform the composition and function of the New Zealand flora

Biological Invasions
2021-02-29 | Journal article
Contributors: A.J. Brandt; P.J. Bellingham; R.P. Duncan; T.R. Etherington; J.D. Fridley; C.J. Howell; P.E. Hulme; I. Jo; M.S. McGlone; S.J. Richardson et al.
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Limited evidence for a consistent seed mass‐dispersal trade‐off in wind‐dispersed pines

Journal of Ecology
2021-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah V. Wyse; Philip E. Hulme; Michał Bogdziewicz
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Invasion science in South Africa: The definitive collection

South African Journal of Science
2021-01-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme
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Scientists' warning on invasive alien species

Biological Reviews
2020-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Petr Pyšek; Philip E. Hulme; Dan Simberloff; Sven Bacher; Tim M. Blackburn; James T. Carlton; Wayne Dawson; Franz Essl; Llewellyn C. Foxcroft; Piero Genovesi et al.
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One Biosecurity: a unified concept to integrate human, animal, plant, and environmental health

Emerging Topics in Life Sciences
2020-12-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Alan MacLeod; Nicola Spence; Philip E. Hulme
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Classifying the introduction pathways of alien species: are we moving in the right direction?

2020-10-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Katelyn T. Faulkner; Philip E. Hulme; Shyama Pagad; John R. U. Wilson; Mark P. Robertson
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MAcroecological Framework for Invasive Aliens (MAFIA): disentangling large-scale context dependence in biological invasions

2020-10-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Petr Pyšek; Sven Bacher; Ingolf Kühn; Ana Novoa; Jane A. Catford; Philip E. Hulme; Jan Pergl; David M. Richardson; John R. U. Wilson; Tim M. Blackburn
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The Epidemiological Framework for Biological Invasions (EFBI): an interdisciplinary foundation for the assessment of biosecurity threats

2020-10-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme; Richard Baker; Robert Freckleton; Rosemary S. Hails; Matt Hartley; John Harwood; Glenn Marion; Graham C. Smith; Mark Williamson
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Correction to: Plant invasions in New Zealand: global lessons in prevention, eradication and control

Biological Invasions
2020-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme
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Plant invasions in New Zealand: global lessons in prevention, eradication and control

Biological Invasions
2020-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Philip E. Hulme
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