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Karel Charvat graduated in theoretical cybernetics. He works all his professional life on the application of IT technologies for agriculture and rural development. He participated on a number of European studies and work as a consultant for European Commission, namely DG Joint Research Centre. He is the author or co-author of a number of strategic studies focused on Rural Development and Agriculture. He is a member of the Program Board of GEO, the International Society for Precision Agriculture, the Research Data Alliance, Club of Ossiach, CAGI, and CSITA. He was in the period 2005 - 2007 President of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture Food and Environment (EFITA), and now is chairman of OGC Agriculture DWG. He works on the implementation of the national INSPIRE Geoportal. Now he is also active in the Plan4all association. He has long-time experience in ICT for Environment, transport, Agriculture, and Precision Farming. Now he is one of the promotors of Open and Big Data in Agriculture in Europe. Participation in projects: Wireless info, Premathmod, EMIRES, REGEO, RuralWins, Armonia, aBard, EPRI Start, Ami@netfood, AMI4For, Voice, Naturnet Redime, Mobildat, SpravaDat, Navlog, c@r, Humboldt, WINSOC, Plan4all, Habitats, Plan4business, SmartOpenData, FOODIE, SDI4Apps, AgriXchange, FOODIE, SDI4Apps, OTN, DataBio, SIEUSOIL, STARGATE, Polirural, AfraCloud, SKIN, ENABLING, Liverur, Innovar.