Personal information


Employment (1)

Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research: Gatersleben, DE

Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni

Education and qualifications (1)

Tel Aviv University: Tel Aviv, IL

Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni

Works (17)

Global genomic population structure of wild and cultivated oat reveals signatures of chromosome rearrangements

2024-12-31 | Preprint
Contributors: Wubishet A. Bekele; Raz Avni; Clayton L. Birkett; Asuka Itaya; Charlene P. Wight; Justin Bellavance; Sophie Brodführer; Francisco J. Canales; Craig H. Carlson; Anne Fiebig et al.
Source: check_circle

A single NLR gene confers resistance to leaf and stripe rust in wheat

Nature Communications
2024-11-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Davinder Sharma; Raz Avni; Juan Gutierrez-Gonzalez; Rakesh Kumar; Hanan Sela; Manas Ranjan Prusty; Arava Shatil-Cohen; István Molnár; Kateřina Holušová; Mahmoud Said et al.
Source: check_circle

A pangenome and pantranscriptome of hexaploid oat

2024-10-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Raz Avni; Nadia Kamal; Lidija Bitz; Eric N. Jellen; Wubishet A. Bekele; Tefera T. Angessa; Petri Auvinen; Oliver Bitz; Brian Boyle; Francisco J. Canales et al.
Source: check_circle

Genome sequences of three Aegilops species of the section Sitopsis reveal phylogenetic relationships and provide resources for wheat improvement

The Plant Journal
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Raz Avni; Thomas Lux; Anna Minz‐Dub; Eitan Millet; Hanan Sela; Assaf Distelfeld; Jasline Deek; Guotai Yu; Burkhard Steuernagel; Curtis Pozniak et al.
Source: check_circle

Aegilops sharonensis genome-assisted identification of stem rust resistance gene Sr62

Nature Communications
2022-03-25 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 2041-1723
Contributors: Guotai Yu; Oadi Matny; Nicolas Champouret; Burkhard Steuernagel; Matthew Moscou; Inmaculada Hernández-Pinzón; Phon Green; Sadiye; Mark Smedley; Wendy Harwood et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni

Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement

Nature Biotechnology
2021-11-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1087-0156
Part of ISSN: 1546-1696
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni

Improved Genome Sequence of Wild Emmer Wheat Zavitan with the Aid of Optical Maps

G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni

Wheat domestication in light of haplotype analyses of the Brittle rachis 1 genes (BTR1-A and BTR1-B)

Plant Science
2019-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0168-9452
Contributors: Moran Nave; Raz Avni; Esra Çakır; Vitaly Portnoy; Hanan Sela; Mohammad Pourkheirandish; Hakan Ozkan; Iago Hale; Takao Komatsuda; Jan Dvorak et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni

Durum wheat genome highlights past domestication signatures and future improvement targets

Nature Genetics
2019-05 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 1061-4036
Part of ISSN: 1546-1718
Contributors: MARCO MACCAFERRI; Neil Harris; Sven Twardziok; Raj K Pasam; Heidrun Gundlach; Manuel Spannagl; Danara Ormanbekova; Thomas Lux; Verena M. Prade; Sara G. Milner et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni

Genome Based Meta-QTL Analysis of Grain Weight in Tetraploid Wheat Identifies Rare Alleles of GRF4 Associated with Larger Grains

2018-12-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Raz Avni; Leah Oren; Gai Shabtay; Siwar Assili; Curtis Pozniak; Iago Hale; Roi Ben-David; Zvi Peleg; Assaf Distelfeld
Source: check_circle

Wild emmer genome architecture and diversity elucidate wheat evolution and domestication

2017-07-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Raz Avni; Moran Nave; Omer Barad; Kobi Baruch; Sven O. Twardziok; Heidrun Gundlach; Iago Hale; Martin Mascher; Manuel Spannagl; Krystalee Wiebe et al.
Source: check_circle

QTLs for uniform grain dimensions and germination selected during wheat domestication are co-located on chromosome 4B

Theoretical and Applied Genetics
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Nave, M.; Avni, R.; Ben-Zvi, B.; Hale, I.; Distelfeld, A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni via Scopus - Elsevier

Functional characterization of GPC-1 genes in hexaploid wheat.

2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Avni, R.; Zhao, R.; Pearce, S.; Jun, Y.; Uauy, C.; Tabbita, F.; Fahima, T.; Slade, A.; Dubcovsky, J.; Distelfeld, A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni via Scopus - Elsevier

Regulation of Zn and Fe transporters by the GPC1 gene during early wheat monocarpic senescence

BMC Plant Biology
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Pearce, S.; Tabbita, F.; Cantu, D.; Buffalo, V.; Avni, R.; Vazquez-Gross, H.; Zhao, R.; Conley, C.J.; Distelfeld, A.; Dubcovksy, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni via Scopus - Elsevier

Senescence, nutrient remobilization, and yield in wheat and barley

Journal of experimental botany
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Distelfeld, A.; Avni, R.; Fischer, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni via Scopus - Elsevier

Ultra-dense genetic map of durum wheat × wild emmer wheat developed using the 90K iSelect SNP genotyping assay

Molecular Breeding
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Avni, R.; Nave, M.; Eilam, T.; Sela, H.; Alekperov, C.; Peleg, Z.; Dvorak, J.; Korol, A.; Distelfeld, A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni via Scopus - Elsevier

Divergent functions of orthologous NAC transcription factors in wheat and rice

Plant Molecular Biology
2012 | Journal article


Contributors: Distelfeld, A.; Pearce, S.P.; Avni, R.; Scherer, B.; Uauy, C.; Piston, F.; Slade, A.; Zhao, R.; Dubcovsky, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Raz Avni via Scopus - Elsevier

Peer review (4 reviews for 3 publications/grants)

Review activity for Cell genomics. (1)
Review activity for Molecular Plant. (1)
Review activity for Scientific data. (2)