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Meet me, Gerard Muyzer, a pioneer in the field of microbial ecology and a true representative of the Delft School of Microbiology. My scientific journey started in molecular palaeontology, studying macromolecular remains in fossil shells and dinosaur bones using antibodies. However, after being inspired by the work of American scientists Norman Pace and David Stahl, I shifted my focus to microbes and never looked back.

In 1993, I introduced DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) in microbial ecology as an innovative, rapid, and cost-effective method to study the structure and dynamics of microbial communities. My groundbreaking research revolutionised the field of microbial ecology, making it possible to compare different microbial communities simultaneously and monitor population changes over time and after perturbations in a single view. Hundreds of microbiologists worldwide, including developing countries, have used my method to study the diversity of microbial communities.

I have used DGGE to study microbial communities from various natural and engineered ecosystems, and I was astonished by the immense microbial diversity present in these environments. Although able to characterise microbial communities with molecular techniques, I firmly believe that isolating microbes in pure culture is required for a comprehensive understanding of their role and behaviour in nature.

In 2011, I accepted a position as a Full Professor of Microbial Systems Ecology at the University of Amsterdam, where I applied a systems biology approach to study the diversity and activity of microbial communities, the interactions between different community members, and the role of diversity in ecosystem functioning. I use experimental work, state-of-the-art omics techniques, and mathematical modelling to understand microbial communities' complex dynamics comprehensively.

In 2012, I received a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant for my project entitled "The Paradox of Sulfur Bacteria in Soda Lakes" (PARASOL). I studied the diversity and ecophysiology of sulfur bacteria in soda lakes, their niche differentiation, and the molecular mechanisms by which they adapt to extreme halo-alkaline conditions. I am also the coordinator of the research priority area "Systems Biology" at the University of Amsterdam, which focuses on host-microbe interactions in humans, plants, and other organisms. Together with my colleagues, I have studied the host-microbe interactions in seagrasses and sponges and recently started studying the host-microbe interactions in macroalgae, such as the brown alga Sargassum and the green alga Caulerpa.

My research interests include algal genomics, climate change, coral, ecology, evolution, holobiont, hologenome, macro-algae, marine biology, marine microbiology, mathematical modelling, metabolic modelling, meta-omics, microbiology, microbial ecology, molecular biology, seagrasses, seaweed, soda lakes, sponges, stable isotope probing, sulfur bacteria, and systems biology. My passion for science and my dedication to uncovering the secrets of microbial communities and their interactions with their environment are truly inspiring. My research has paved the way for future generations of scientists to make significant strides in the field of microbial ecology.


Employment (9)

Universiteit van Amsterdam: N/A, NL

2011-12-01 to present (Freshwater and Marine Ecology (IBED, FNWI))
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

Universiteit van Amsterdam: N/A, NL

2011-12-01 to present | Academic, Full Professor (Faculty of Science)
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

Universiteit van Amsterdam: N/A, NL

2011-12-01 to present | Academic, Full Professor (IBED Other Research (FNWI))
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

Universiteit van Amsterdam: N/A, NL

2011-12-01 to present | Academic (Systems Biology)
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

University of Amsterdam: Amsterdam, NL

2011 to present | Professor of MIcrobial Systems Ecology (Aquatic Microbiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Delft University of Technology: Delft, NL

2001 to 2011 | Associate Professor (Environmental Biotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research: Texel, NL

1998 to 2001 | Head of the Molecular Biology Laboratory (Biological Oceanography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology: Bremen, DE

1992 to 1997 | Head of the Molecular Ecology Group (Molecular Ecology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Leiden University: Leiden, NL

1988 to 1992 | postdoc (Dept. of Biochemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Education and qualifications (2)

Leiden University: Leiden, NL

1983 to 1988 | PhD degree
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Leiden University: Leiden, NL

1978 to 1983 | MSc degree
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Professional activities (9)

Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology: Groenekan, NL

Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

International Society for Microbial Ecology: Wageningen, NL

Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

American Society for Microbiology: Washington D.C., District of Columbia, US

Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

IMEDEA: Mallorca, ES

2021-12-01 to 2022-02-25 | Visiting scientist
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

IMEDEA: Mallorca, ES

2019 to 2019 | Visting scientist
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

University of Milan: Milan, IT

2011 to 2013 | Visting Professor (Dept. of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Science )
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

University of Queensland: QLD, QLD, AU

2010 to 2010 | Visting scientist (Australian Centre of Ecogenomics )
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Netherlands Institute of Ecology: Heteren, NL

2004 to 2009 | Visiting scientist (Limnology)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Joint Genome Institute: Berkeley, US

2008 to 2008 | Vising scientists (Genome Biology Group)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Funding (8)

The Holomicrobiome: Harnessing the power of microbiomes

2024 to 2034 | Grant
Dutch Ministery of Economic Affairs (Den Hague, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Nature-based tools to protect and restore biodiversity

2022 to 2025 | Grant
Ministery of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food security and Nature (Den Hague, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Understanding and improving the haloalkaline desulfurization process

2017 to 2021 | Grant
Wetsus (Leeuwarden, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer

Exploring microbial diversity for extension of the boundaries of biopolymer production using parallel cultivation

2013 to 2017 | Grant
Technologiestichting STW (Utrecht, NL)
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Paradox of Sulfur Bacteria in soda Lakes

2012 to 2017 | Grant
European Research Council (Brussels, BE)
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Marine Microorganisms: Cultivation Methods for Improving their Biotechnological Applications

2012 to 2016 | Grant
European Union (Brussel, BE)


Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Microbiologically Induced Corrosion of Steel Structures in Port Environments

2008 to 2011 | Grant
Research Fund for Coal and Steel of the European Union (Brussel, BE)
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A slow sand filtration model to reliably predict microorganisms removal and improved efficacy and conservation of the Schmutzdecke

NWP-TTW (Utrecht, NL)


Source: Self-asserted source
Gerard Muyzer