Personal information
Carmen Batanero was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics Education at the University of Granada, Spain and is now retired. She still collaborate as a member of the research group FQM126 Theory of Mathematics Education and Statistics Education. Before entering this Department in 1988, she worked for the Spanish Government as an applied statistician for 7 years and afterwards was a lecturer in the Department of Statistics, Universidad de Granada for 11 years (teaching Biostatistics and Probability Calculus).
She performed a doctoral dissertation on stochastic point processes and reliability in 1983.
She has taught mathematics education to prospective teachers, done research and supervised doctoral dissertations and research projects in statistical education. She was also involved in the training of researchers in statistics education.
Her publications include research papers and books directed to teachers. She helped to establish a stochastic group at PME (Psychology of Mathematics Education), CERME and some Latin American conferences. She edited the Newsletter of the International research Group for Research on Learning Probability and Statistics from 1996 to 1999, the Statistics Education Research Newsletter in 2000-2001 and started the Statistics Education Research Journal (was editor in 2001-2002).
She was President of IASE for the period 2001-2003, member of the Executive Committe (1997-2007) and member of ICMI Executive Committee (2003-2006).
She was Chair of the Scientific Committee for ICOTS-6 (2006); the IASE Round Table Conference (2000) and the Joint ICMI /IASE Study developed since 2008 to 2011. She is life member of the IASE.
She was member of the editorial board in Educational Studies in Mathematics, the advisory board of Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, and is currently associate editor in Statistics Education Research Kournal and other journals.
Main publications include chapters in Springer books and papers in mathematics and statistics education top journals.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (3)
Funding (8)
Acciones Integradas Hispano. Alemanas HA 2002-0069.
Works (50 of 492)