Personal information
Dr. Karol Pieta, Doctor scientiarum
Study of European archaeology in Brno in former Czechoslovakia and Near East Archeology in Saarbrucken in Germany, doctor awarded 1968, dissertation 1983, Doctor scientiarum since 2001, senior scientific collaborator in Institute of Archaeology, Slovak academy of Sciences in Nitra, external teacher on the Universities in Bratislava and Brno (Czech republic), guest professor on the University in Vienna (Austria)
The principal employer:
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Currently as Deputy director in Institute of Archaeology, in Nitra, Slovakia
- Institutes of Archaeology in Viena, Berlin and Brno
- ICOMOS (International Committee for Monuments and Sites) by UNESCO
- Comité pour la siderurgie ancienne by UNESCO
- European Association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment (EXAR)
- North European Symposium of Archaeological Textiles (NESAT)
- European Associacion of Achaeologists – EAA
and any other memberships and awards
Iron Age, Roman Age, Early Middle Ages, Experimental archaeology
Couple of excavations, survey, restoration and experimental projects in Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Polen, Kuwait and other countries
Leader of any current national and international projects, as:
Kuwaiti-Slovak Archaeological Mission, since 2004
Open Air Muzeum Liptovská Mara (for Slovak governement)
Saving and rescue of archaeological and historical monuments in Slovakia as a part of
European cultural Heritage
Lexicon of the Celtic Archaeology
Roman finds in European Barbaricum
And any others
Die Púchov-Kultur. Nitra 1982
Umenie doby železnej. Bratislava 1982
Počiatky odievania na Slovensku. Bratislava 1985 (and V. Furmánek)
Liptovská Mara. Ein frühgeschichtliches Zentrum der Nordslowakei. Bratislava 1996
Bojná. Hospodárske a politické centrum Nitrianskeho kniežatstva (and A. Ruttkay, M. Ruttkay) Nitra 2006, 2. Eddition 2007
Bojná. Nové nálezy k počiatkom slovenských dejín. Bojná 2007. 2.Eddition 2009
Keltské osídlenie Slovenska. Bratislava 2008.
Keltische Besiedlung der Slowakei. Jüngere Latènezeit. Bratislava 2010.
Bojná 2. Nové výsledky výskumov včasnostredovekých hradísk. New results of research on Early Medieval hill-forts. Nitra 2015 (K. Pieta & Z. Robak).
Bojná 2. Nové výsledky výskumov včasnostredovekých hradísk. New results of research on Early Medieval hill-forts. Nitra 2017 (K. Pieta & Z. Robak, second addition).
Employment (2)
Education and qualifications (1)
Works (18)