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Bioinformatics, plant breeding, stress, markers, proteomics


Employment (5)

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: Alnarp, SE

2018 to present | Associate Professor (Plant Breeding)
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: Alnarp, SE

2015-09 to 2018 | Assistant Professor of genetics and breeding informatics (Plant breeding)
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade

Lund University: Lund, SE

2014-08 to 2016 | Researcher (Immunotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade

CropTailor AB: Lund, SE

2011-07 to 2015-11 | Researcher
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade

Lund University: Lund, SE

2012-08 to 2014-07 | PostDoc (Immunotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade

Education and qualifications (3)

Gothenburg University: Gothenburg, SE

2006-04 to 2011-06 | PhD (Cell and Molecular Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade

University of Skövde: Skövde, SE

2003 to 2005 | MSc in Bioinformatics
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade

Avanthi Degree and P G College: Hyderabad, Telangana, IN

1997 to 2000 | BSc in Genetics, Chemistry and Microbiology
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade

Works (50 of 75)

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Leveraging genomic prediction to surpass current yield gains in spring barley

Theoretical and Applied Genetics
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Johanna Åstrand; Firuz Odilbekov; Ramesh Vetukuri; Alf Ceplitis; Aakash Chawade
Source: check_circle

Adaptation and Grain Yield Stability Analysis of Winter Wheat Cultivars with and Without Fungicides Treatment from National Variety Trials in Sweden

2024-12-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Admas Alemu; Pawan K. Singh; Aakash Chawade
Source: check_circle
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Vaccine design and development: Exploring the interface with computational biology and AI

International Reviews of Immunology
2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Ananya; Darshan C. Panchariya; Anandakrishnan Karthic; Surya Pratap Singh; Ashutosh Mani; Aakash Chawade; Sandeep Kushwaha
Source: check_circle

Integrative approaches in modern agriculture: IoT, ML and AI for disease forecasting amidst climate change

Precision Agriculture
2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Payam Delfani; Vishnukiran Thuraga; Bikram Banerjee; Aakash Chawade
Source: check_circle

Root plasticity versus elasticity – when are responses acclimative?

Trends in Plant Science
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Tino Colombi; Bipin K. Pandey; Aakash Chawade; Malcolm J. Bennett; Sacha J. Mooney; Thomas Keller
Source: check_circle

Genomic loci for sclerotinia stem rot resistance and chlorophyll stability inBrassica napus: integrating GWAS with microbiome insights

2024-08-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Aakash Chawade; Vishnukiran Thuraga; Siim Samuel Sepp; Samrat Ghosh; Farideh Ghadamgahi; Firuz Odilbekov; Saraladevi Muthusamy; Ramesh R Vetukuri; Kibrom B. Abreha
Source: check_circle

Plant genotype-specific modulation ofClonostachys rosea-mediated biocontrol of septoria tritici blotch disease on wheat

2024-05-31 | Preprint
Contributors: Sidhant Chaudhary; Mustafa Zakieh; Mukesh Dubey; Dan Funck Jensen; Laura Grenville-Briggs; Aakash Chawade; Magnus Karlsson
Source: check_circle

The Combination of Low-Cost, Red–Green–Blue (RGB) Image Analysis and Machine Learning to Screen for Barley Plant Resistance to Net Blotch

2024-04-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Fernanda Leiva; Rishap Dhakal; Kristiina Himanen; Rodomiro Ortiz; Aakash Chawade
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Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Freezing Tolerance and Winter Hardiness in Winter Wheat of Nordic Origin

2023-11-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Gabija Vaitkevičiūtė; Aakash Chawade; Morten Lillemo; Žilvinas Liatukas; Andrius Aleliūnas; Rita Armonienė
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Biogas Upgradation by CO2 Sequestration and Simultaneous Production of Acetic Acid by Novel Isolated Bacteria

2023-11-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Apoorva Upadhyay; Aakash Chawade; Mohd Mohsin Ikram; Virendra Kumar Saharan; Nidhi Pareek; Vivekanand Vivekanand
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Biomass Gasification and Applied Intelligent Retrieval in Modeling

2023-09-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Manish Meena; Hrishikesh Kumar; Nitin Dutt Chaturvedi; Andrey A. Kovalev; Vadim Bolshev; Dmitriy A. Kovalev; Prakash Kumar Sarangi; Aakash Chawade; Manish Singh Rajput; Vivekanand Vivekanand et al.
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Haplotype-tagged SNPs improve genomic prediction accuracy for Fusarium head blight resistance and yield-related traits in wheat

Theoretical and Applied Genetics
2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Admas Alemu; Lorena Batista; Pawan K. Singh; Alf Ceplitis; Aakash Chawade
Source: check_circle

Delineation of Genotype X Environment Interaction for Grain Yield in Spring Barley under Untreated and Fungicide-Treated Environments

2023-02-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Vishnukiran Thuraga; Ulrika Dyrlund Martinsson; Ramesh R Vetukuri; Aakash Chawade
Source: check_circle
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Predicting yellow rust in wheat breeding trials by proximal phenotyping and machine learning

Plant Methods
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexander Koc; Firuz Odilbekov; Marwan Alamrani; Tina Henriksson; Aakash Chawade
Source: check_circle

Functional phenomics for improved climate resilience in Nordic agriculture

Journal of Experimental Botany
2022-09-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Thomas Roitsch; Kristiina Himanen; Aakash Chawade; Laura Jaakola; Ajit Nehe; Erik Alexandersson; Michela Janni
Source: check_circle

Climate Change Impact on Wheat Performance—Effects on Vigour, Plant Traits and Yield from Early and Late Drought Stress in Diverse Lines

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2022-03 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Yuzhou Lan; Aakash Chawade; Ramune Kuktaite; Eva Johansson
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Identification of Genomic Regions and Sources for Wheat Blast Resistance through GWAS in Indian Wheat Genotypes

2022-03-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Rahul M. Phuke; Xinyao He; Philomin Juliana; Muhammad R. Kabir; Krishna K. Roy; Felix Marza; Chandan Roy; Gyanendra P. Singh; Aakash Chawade; Arun K. Joshi et al.
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New Genotypes and Genomic Regions for Resistance to Wheat Blast in South Asian Germplasm

2021-12-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Chandan Roy; Philomin Juliana; Muhammad R. Kabir; Krishna K. Roy; Navin C. Gahtyari; Felix Marza; Xinyao He; Gyanendra P. Singh; Aakash Chawade; Arun K. Joshi et al.
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RNA Interference and CRISPR/Cas Gene Editing for Crop Improvement: Paradigm Shift towards Sustainable Agriculture

2021-09-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Meenakshi Rajput; Khushboo Choudhary; Manish Kumar; V. Vivekanand; Aakash Chawade; Rodomiro Ortiz; Nidhi Pareek
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Phenocave: An Automated, Standalone, and Affordable Phenotyping System for Controlled Growth Conditions

2021-08-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Fernanda Leiva; Pernilla Vallenback; Tobias Ekblad; Eva Johansson; Aakash Chawade
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Frontiers in the Solicitation of Machine Learning Approaches in Vegetable Science Research

2021-08-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Meenakshi Sharma; Prashant Kaushik; Aakash Chawade
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RNA Interference and CRISPR/Cas Gene Editing for Crop Improvement: Paradigm Shift Towards Sustainable Agriculture

2021-07-01 | Other
Contributors: Meenakshi Rajput; Khushboo Choudhary; Manish Kumar; Aakash Chawade; Rodomiro Ortiz; Vivekanand Vivekanand; Nidhi Pareek
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GIS Application for the Estimation of Bioenergy Potential from Agriculture Residues: An Overview

2021-02-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Avinash Bharti; Kunwar Paritosh; Venkata Ravibabu Mandla; Aakash Chawade; Vivekanand Vivekanand
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A Bioinformatics Pipeline to Identify a Subset of SNPs for Genomics-Assisted Potato Breeding

2020-12-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Catja Selga; Alexander Koc; Aakash Chawade; Rodomiro Ortiz
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Differential Gene Expression Analysis of Wheat Breeding Lines Reveal Molecular Insights in Yellow Rust Resistance under Field Conditions

2020-11-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Sandeep Kumar Kushwaha; Ramesh R. Vetukuri; Firuz Odilbekov; Nidhi Pareek; Tina Henriksson; Aakash Chawade
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Affordable Phenotyping of Winter Wheat under Field and Controlled Conditions for Drought Tolerance

2020-06-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Dhananjay Kumar; Sandeep Kushwaha; Chiara Delvento; Žilvinas Liatukas; Vivekanand Vivekanand; Jan T. Svensson; Tina Henriksson; Gintaras Brazauskas; Aakash Chawade
Source: check_circle

Additives as a Support Structure for Specific Biochemical Activity Boosts in Anaerobic Digestion: A Review

Frontiers in Energy Research
2020-06-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2296-598X
Contributors: Kunwar Paritosh; Monika Yadav; Aakash Chawade; Dinabandhu Sahoo; Nupur Kesharwani; Nidhi Pareek; Vivekanand Vivekanand
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

QTL mapping for field resistance to wheat blast in the Caninde#1/Alondra population

Theoretical and Applied Genetics
2020-06-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0040-5752
Contributors: Xinyao He; Muhammad Rezaul Kabir; Krishna K. Roy; Md. Babul Anwar; Kaijie Xu; Felix Marza; Firuz Odilbekov; Aakash Chawade; Etienne Duveiller; Eric Huttner et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

QTL Mapping for Resistance to Early Blight in a Tetraploid Potato Population

2020-05-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Firuz Odilbekov; Catja Selga; Rodomiro Ortiz; Aakash Chawade; Erland Liljeroth
Source: check_circle
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An integrated transcriptomic- and proteomic-based approach to evaluate the human skin sensitization potential of glyphosate and its commercial agrochemical formulations

Journal of Proteomics
2020-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1874-3919
Contributors: Tim Lindberg; Renato Ivan de Ávila; Kathrin S. Zeller; Fredrik Levander; Dennis Eriksson; Aakash Chawade; Malin Lindstedt
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

Interactive proteogenomic exploration of response to Fusarium head blight in oat varieties with different resistance

Journal of Proteomics
2020-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1874-3919
Contributors: J. Willforss; S. Leonova; J. Tillander; E. Andreasson; S. Marttila; O. Olsson; A. Chawade; F. Levander
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

Breeding for Wheat Blast Resistance

Wheat Blast
2020-04-09 | Other
Contributors: Xinyao He; Vikas Gupta; Naresh Kumar Bainsla; Aakash Chawade; Pawan Kumar Singh
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

GWAS-Assisted Genomic Prediction to Predict Resistance to Septoria Tritici Blotch in Nordic Winter Wheat at Seedling Stage

Frontiers in Genetics
2019-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1664-8021
Contributors: Firuz Odilbekov; Rita Armoniené; Alexander Koc; Jan Svensson; Aakash Chawade
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

QTL Mapping and Transcriptome Analysis to Identify Differentially Expressed Genes Induced by Septoria Tritici Blotch Disease of Wheat

2019-09-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Firuz Odilbekov; Xinyao He; Rita Armoniené; Ganapathi Varma Saripella; Tina Henriksson; Pawan Kumar Singh; Aakash Chawade
Source: check_circle
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Prioritization of solid concentration and temperature for solid state anaerobic digestion of pearl millet straw employing multi-criteria assessment tool

Scientific Reports
2019-08-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Kunwar Paritosh; Nidhi Pareek; Aakash Chawade; Vivekanand Vivekanand
Source: check_circle

What is cost-efficient phenotyping? Optimizing costs for different scenarios

Plant Science
2019-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Reynolds; Frederic Baret; Claude Welcker; Aaron Bostrom; Joshua Ball; Francesco Cellini; Argelia Lorence; Aakash Chawade; Mehdi Khafif; Koji Noshita et al.
Source: check_circle

High-Throughput Field-Phenotyping Tools for Plant Breeding and Precision Agriculture

2019-05-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Aakash Chawade; Joost van Ham; Hanna Blomquist; Oscar Bagge; Erik Alexandersson; Rodomiro Ortiz
Source: check_circle
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Affordable Imaging Lab for Noninvasive Analysis of Biomass and Early Vigour in Cereal Crops

BioMed Research International
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Rita Armoniené; Firuz Odilbekov; Vivekanand Vivekanand; Aakash Chawade
Source: check_circle

A transnational and holistic breeding approach is needed for sustainable wheat production in the Baltic Sea region

Physiologia Plantarum
2018-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Aakash Chawade; Rita Armoniené; Gunilla Berg; Gintaras Brazauskas; Gunilla Frostgård; Mulatu Geleta; Andrii Gorash; Tina Henriksson; Kristiina Himanen; Anne Ingver et al.
Source: check_circle

NormalyzerDE: Online Tool for Improved Normalization of Omics Expression Data and High-Sensitivity Differential Expression Analysis

Journal of Proteome Research
2018-10-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1535-3893
Contributors: Jakob Willforss; Aakash Chawade; Fredrik Levander
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

Comments on two recent publications on GM maize and Roundup

Scientific Reports
2018-09-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Dennis Eriksson; Klaus Ammann; Bruce Chassy; Aakash Chawade
Source: check_circle

De-construction of major Indian cereal crop residues through chemical pretreatment for improved biogas production: An overview

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
2018-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1364-0321
Contributors: Subodh Kumar; Kunwar Paritosh; Nidhi Pareek; Aakash Chawade; Vivekanand Vivekanand
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

Draft Genome Sequence for the Tree PathogenPhytophthora plurivora

Genome Biology and Evolution
2018-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1759-6653
Contributors: Ramesh R Vetukuri; Sucheta Tripathy; Mathu Malar C; Arijit Panda; Sandeep K Kushwaha; Aakash Chawade; Erik Andreasson; Laura J Grenville-Briggs; Stephen C Whisson; Richard Cordaux
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

Practical breeding strategies to improve resistance to Septoria tritici blotch of wheat

2018-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0014-2336
Contributors: Seyed Mahmoud Tabib Ghaffary; Aakash Chawade; Pawan Kumar Singh
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

Specalyzer—an interactive online tool to analyze spectral reflectance measurements

2018-06 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade

Chitinases—Potential Candidates for Enhanced Plant Resistance towards Fungal Pathogens

2018-06-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Manish Kumar; Amandeep Brar; Monika Yadav; Aakash Chawade; V. Vivekanand; Nidhi Pareek
Source: check_circle
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Genetic Engineering of Energy Crops to Reduce Recalcitrance and Enhance Biomass Digestibility

2018-06-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Monika Yadav; Kunwar Paritosh; Aakash Chawade; Nidhi Pareek; Vivekanand Vivekanand
Source: check_circle
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Proximal Phenotyping and Machine Learning Methods to Identify Septoria Tritici Blotch Disease Symptoms in Wheat

Frontiers in Plant Science
2018-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1664-462X
Contributors: Firuz Odilbekov; Rita Armoniené; Tina Henriksson; Aakash Chawade
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

Nordic research infrastructures for plant phenotyping

Agricultural and Food Science
2018-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1795-1895
Contributors: Erik Alexandersson; Markku Keinänen; Aakash Chawade; Kristiina Himanen
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Crossref Metadata Search

Draft genome of the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora cactorum strain LV007 isolated from European beech (Fagus sylvatica)

Genomics Data
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Grenville-Briggs, L.J.; Kushwaha, S.K.; Cleary, M.R.; Witzell, J.; Savenkov, E.I.; Whisson, S.C.; Chawade, A.; Vetukuri, R.R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Aakash Chawade via Scopus - Elsevier
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