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Dr. Tsilidis is a Professor of Epidemiology at the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the University of Ioannina School of Medicine in Greece. He is also a part-time Reader in Cancer Epidemiology at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of Imperial College London in the United Kingdom. He co-leads the World Cancer Research Fund Global Cancer Update Programme at Imperial College, which performs evidence syntheses of the diet, adiposity and physical activity associations with risk of cancer development and survival. His research focuses on molecular epidemiology and epidemiology of cancer, where he studies the role of genetic, dietary, metabolic and hormonal pathways in cancer development, prognosis and survival. He has written more than 300 scientific papers published in international high-impact journals, including the British Medical Journal, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Plos Medicine, Nature Communications, Plos Biology, European Urology and Gut, on which he has received more than 15,000 citations. He has delivered more than 50 invited talks in international conferences and seminars series, and his research has been funded by more than 30 funding programs of national and international bodies (e.g., UKRI-NIHR, Cancer Research UK, World Cancer Research Fund, General Secretariat for Research and Technology - Hellenic Ministry of Education, European Union, 20 of which as the principal investigator.