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• Currently ieading the measurements of sin2eff at CMS (and CDF), measurement of the W asymmetry at CMS (and CDF). Developed new muon momentum scale corrections used in CMS (and CDF), angular event weighting technique used in CMS (and CDF), new method for constraining PDFs using AFB in dilepton cross sections used at CMS (and CDF).
• Bodek was in charge of the construction of the optical modules of the CDF plug upgrade tile fib calorimeter. Significant aspects of the technology including the megatile concept, fiber ball groove, and the sigma groove were developed at Rochester by Bodek with assistants. This technology was transferred to the CMS and Bodek’s group built the megatiles and was in charge assembly at CERN of the CMS HCAL. Recently, Bodek has developed and prototype the Megastrip concept where multitile modules are constructed of tile-strips for the HGCAL for the CMS detector at the LHC at CERN.
• Bodek designed the MINERvA neutrino detector, which also uses tile-fiber technology. He was in charge of the construction of the muon chambers, gas system, and scintillators for AMY e+e- detector in Japan, and the AMY electrons. He was charge of the electronics for the CCFR/NuTeV neutrino experiment and also in charge of the construction of the CCFR/NuTeV toroidal magnet.
• Bodek was the spokesperson for Fermilab experiment E595 (hadronic production of charm), SLAC E140 (electron scattering), and Jefferson Lab E04-001 (electron scattering).
• Bodek’s has been using electron scattering data to model neutrino interactions on nuclei. The GENIE MC generator includes (1) Bodek-Ritchie model of Fermi motion (2); Bodek-Yang model of inelastic structure functions (3); Bodek's parametrization of electromagnetic and axial form factors; (4) Bodek’s parametrization of transverse enhancement (5) effective-spectral functions for QE scattering; (6) Binding energy parameters for bound nucleons.
• Bodek’s doctoral thesis provided some of the evidence of the quark's existence that was the basis for the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics
Employment (9)
Education and qualifications (2)
Professional activities (17)
Funding (3)