Personal information

IoT, internet of things, Software Engineering, routing, fault tolerance, data exchange, Data Mining


Works (3)

FTRTA : Fault Tolerance and Reliable Transmissions Algorithm based on the Internet of Things

Journal of Optimization of Soft Computing (JOSC)
2023-12 | Journal article
OTHER-ID: ResearchGate
Contributors: Mohsen Mozafari Vanani; Pouya Khosravian Dehkordi
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohsen Mozafari Vanani

FTRTA: Fault Tolerance and Reliable Transmissions Algorithm for IoT

2022-10 | Preprint
Contributors: Vanani MM; Dehkordi PK
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohsen Mozafari Vanani via Europe PubMed Central

A Survey on QoS Routing in Internet of Things

National Conference on the Latest Achievements in Data Engineering and Soft Knowledge and Computing
2021-09-21 | Conference paper
OTHER-ID: civilica
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohsen Mozafari Vanani