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Prof Robert John Wallace held a personal chair in the Gut Health group at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health at the University of Aberdeen until 2016, and is now Emeritus Professor at the University. He specializes in the microbiology of human and animal digestive tracts, most recently focussing on how the ruminal microbiome and metagenome determine the amounts of methane emitted by beef and dairy cattle. He is past Deputy Editor of the British Journal of Nutrition, and also served on the Editorial Boards of Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Archives of Animal Nutrition, Animal Feed Science and Technology, Journal of General Microbiology and FEMS Microbiology Letters. He is a member of the FEEDAP panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Prof Wallace was coordinator of three major research consortia funded by the European Commission, named ‘Rumen-up’, ‘REPLACE’ and ‘RuminOmics’, the last of which aimed to understand the relations between the ruminal microbiome, the host genome, and emissions of methane and nitrogen from dairy cows. Prof Wallace was awarded the DSM Nutrition Award in 2007 'in recognition of his pioneering research in animal nutrition.' He has published >200 peer-reviewed papers in international journals.