Personal information
My scientific background involves a wide spectrum of research and development of solutions on water recycling that cut across the disciplines of glaciology, hydrology, sedimentology, geochemistry, and climate change. For the past 25 years I have followed a non-continuous academic path, intercepted by extensive periods of work in the private sector. As a freelance geologist, I have participated in several geotechnical and geoarchaeological projects, but the majority of my non-academic work has been the water cycle of the Mediterranean critical zone and particularly the artificial surface aquifer recharge across different sedimentary settings (e.g. alluvial plane, dune fields, silicate regolith).
My academic research has mainly focused on the Mediterranean Holocene palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions that resolve from glacial, fluvial, lacustrine, and coastal sedimentary archives along a source-to-sink continuum, and on the perturbations of landscape evolution by human activities.
More recently, my research has focused on the impacts of erosion and aeolian (Saharan) dust accretion on the Holocene evolution of Mediterranean alpine landscapes, and on the global glacial weathering dynamics and their links to the transient carbon cycle.