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Dr. Erik Chovanček completed his academic studies at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. He acquired a bachelor`s degree in Applied Biology (2013) and a master`s degree in Plant Nutrition (2017). The topic of his doctoral research was `Evaluation of physiological traits and environmental plasticity of genetic resources of wheat using phenomic approaches` (2017-2020). During his studies, he broadened his expertise and knowledge in Plant Molecular Biology while staying in different research groups; at the University of Helsinki, Shandong Agricultural University, and the University of Münster. During his first postdoc at the University of Turku, he was screening, selecting, and characterizing a set of microalgal strains from the Nordic collection for potential stimulating effects on plant growth and development. Currently, he is conducting research on Active Carbon Capture for Sustainable Synthesis (ACCeSS project) at the HHU University in Düsseldorf, Germany.