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Works (2)

A powdery mildew core effector protein targets the host endosome tethering complexes HOPS and CORVET in barley

Plant Physiology
2025-02-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Björn Sabelleck; Sohini Deb; Sophie C J Levecque; Matthias Freh; Anja Reinstädler; Pietro D Spanu; Hans Thordal-Christensen; Ralph Panstruga
Source: check_circle

Interplay of EXO70 and MLO proteins modulates trichome cell wall composition and susceptibility to powdery mildew

The Plant Cell
2024-03-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Jan W Huebbers; George A Caldarescu; Zdeňka Kubátová; Peter Sabol; Sophie C J Levecque; Hannah Kuhn; Ivan Kulich; Anja Reinstädler; Kim Büttgen; Alba Manga-Robles et al.
Source: check_circle