--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Established in 1964, Macquarie University began as a bold experiment in higher education. Built to break from traditions: to be distinctive, progressive, and to be transformational. Today our pioneering history continues to be a source of inspiration as we celebrate our place among the best and brightest minds.
Recognised internationally, Macquarie University is consistently ranked in the top two per cent of universities in the world* and within the top 10 in Australia*.
Our research is leading the way in ground-breaking discoveries. Our academics are at the forefront of innovation and, as accomplished researchers, we are embracing the opportunity to tackle the big issues of our time.
Led by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor S Bruce Dowton, Macquarie is home to five faculties. The fifth and newest - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - was formed in 2014. We are also home to some of Australia's most exceptional facilities - hubs of innovation that unite our students, researchers, academics and partners to achieve extraordinary things.
Discover our story.
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Pure @ Macquarie University Complete
Macquarie University uses the Pure research management system to collect ORCID iDs and connect researcher data to ORCID records. Pushes affiliation data and works (mostly Journal articles)