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Andreas Pitsillides is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, co-director of the Networks Research Laboratory (NetRL,, appointed Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Science, Johannesburg, South Africa (2021-2024) and Scientific Advisor of Cognitive UX LTD. He was appointed Visiting Professor at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), School of Electrical and Information engineering, Johannesburg, South Africa (2017-2020), University of Johannesburg, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Science, Johannesburg, South Africa (2014-2017). His broad research interests include communication networks, Software Defined Metasutfaces/Metamaterials (Hypersurfaces, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces), Nanonetworks and the Internet- and Web- of Things, Smart Systems (e.g. Smart Grid), Smart Spaces (e.g. Home, City), and e-health. He has a particular interest in adapting tools from various fields of applied mathematics such as adaptive non-linear control theory, computational intelligence, game theory, and complex systems and nature inspired techniques, to solve problems in communication networks. Published over 330 refereed papers in flagship journals (e.g. IEEE, Elsevier, IFAC, Springer), international conferences, and book chapters, co-authored 2 books (1 edited), participated as principal or co-principal investigator in over 40 European Commission and locally funded research projects with over 6.7 million Euro, received several awards, including best paper, presented keynotes, invited lectures at major research organisations, short courses at international conferences and short courses to industry. He serves on the Editorial Board of ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET) (since 2020), served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Computer Networks (COMNET), served on international conferences as General Chair (APPS 2021, APPS2019, ISSPIT 2016, ComComAp 2015, ISCC2015, MedHocNet2012, ICT2011, EuroMedNet’98), Vice General Chair (WiOpt’07), international co-chair (INFOCOM 2003), technical program chair (GameNets 2021, ISNCC 2018 and 2019 "Smart Communications Systems", NanoCom 2017, MCCS05, ISYC06), and on executive committees (e.g. INFOCOM 2001–2003, and ICT98), technical committees, guest co-editor, invited speaker, and as a regular reviewer for conference and journal submissions. He is also a member of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Technical Committee (TC 1.5) on Networked Systems, IFAC TC 7.4 on Transportation Systems (until 2014) and the IFIP working group WG 6.3. Recent competitive research projects in which Andreas is involved with as a (co)principal investigator include European Commission funded (e.g. TRUSTID, SERUMS, FET VISORSURF, RISE, REACH, SEOP, AGILE, GINSENG, C-CAST, C-MOBILE, MOTIVE, B-BONE, E-NEXT, SEACORN, M-POWER, GN2 and GEANT), National Research Board funded (e.g. HSADAPT, MIND2C, EM-VANETS, VIDEO, TRAFFICNET, TRAFBUS, DITIS), Cambridge Microsoft Research Labs (DITIS II) and University project grants (e.g. DIRECTOR, ADIVIS).