Personal information
Ph.D. Student at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built environment and Construction engineering (DABC). BSc in Architectural Design, Politecnico di Milano, in 2014, and MSc in Building and Architectural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, in 2019.
She has worked as a Research Fellow at Politecnico di Milano from June 2020 to October 2021, focusing on the design, analysis and optimization of building envelope technologies for energy efficiency and indoor thermal comfort, with a focus on multilayer dry-assembly solutions and the optimization of their integration in building technology and passive strategies design through dynamic energy simulation tools.
From January 2021, she is part of the Building Energy Efficiency Team at Politecnico di Milano and collaborator at the BEEpilot prototype funded under the H2020 project MEZeroE; within that, she collaborates on the writing on scientific papers and provides theoretical, technical and scientific support for the development of both national and international research projects, on topics related to the innovation in the building sector, sustainable and green buildings, energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality and comfort for the users.
In November 2021, she enrolled in the XXXVII Cycle of the ABC-PhD Program in Building Engineering at Politecnico di Milano; her research focuses on the testing, monitoring and upscaling of multilayer dry envelope solutions through the development of a dedicated testbed and approach for the multiscale cross-analysis of solutions in an Open Innovation ecosystem.