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Higher education. In 2009, he graduated from the Voronezh State Technological Academy with a degree in Environmental Protection Engineering. In 2013 he defended his PhD thesis in the speciality 02.00.02 - Analytical Chemistry. Director of MIP LLC "Sensorika - New Technologies" ( Since 2018, Member of the Expert Council for the U.M.N.I.K. direction "New materials and chemical technologies".
Academic degree: candidate of chemical sciences
ORCID: 0000-0001-51136096
Scopus Author ID: 55457519800
RSCI Author ID: 686995
Pedagogical experience (years): 10
Total work experience (years): 12
Teaching disciplines:
Analytical chemistry and physicochemical methods of analysis
Physical and colloidal chemistry
Fundamentals of nanotechnology
Area of scientific interests:
Development of new analytical equipment for gas analysis based on mass-sensitive piezosensors with nanostructures.
Development of methods and techniques for testing the quality and degree of spoilage of food products, assessing the level of pollution of air emissions from production, the air of the working area of the premises.
Development of methods and techniques for non-invasive clinical diagnostics (analysis of the gas phases of biological samples, exhaled air).
Publications: 85 works published, including 12 inventions and 6 certificates of state registration of a computer program
Employment (1)
Funding (1)
Works (16)