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Works (11)

Updated Taxonomy of Iris scariosa (Iridaceae) Inferred from Morphological and Chloroplast DNA Sequence Data with Remarks on Classification of Iris subg. Iris

2024-08-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Eugeny V. Boltenkov; Elena V. Artyukova
Source: check_circle
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New Approach to the Systematics of the Section Psammiris (Iris, Iridaceae): What Does Chloroplast DNA Sequence Tell Us?

2023-03-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Eugeny V. Boltenkov; Elena V. Artyukova
Source: check_circle
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Genetic Diversity of Oxytropis Species from the Center of the Genus Origin: Insight from Molecular Studies

2023-02-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Denis V. Sandanov; Alla B. Kholina; Marina M. Kozyrenko; Elena V. Artyukova; Zhiheng Wang
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The species of Oxytropis DC. of section Gloeocephala Bunge (Fabaceae) from Northeast Asia: genetic diversity and relationships based on sequencing of the intergenic spacers of cpDNA and ITS nrDNA

2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Alla Kholina; Marina Kozyrenko; Elena Artyukova; Valentin Yakubov; Mariya Khoreva; Elena Andrianova; Olga Mochalova; Denis Sandanov
Source: check_circle

Taxonomic Composition of Iris Subser. Chrysographes (Iridaceae) Inferred from Chloroplast DNA and Morphological Analyses

2021-10-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Eugeny V. Boltenkov; Elena V. Artyukova; Anna Trias-Blasi
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Phylogenetic Relationships of the Species of Asian Russia of the Subgenera Phacoxytropis and Tragacanthoxytropis Genus Oxytropis Based on the Polymorphism of Markers of the Chloroplast and Nuclear Genomes

Russian Journal of Genetics
2021-09-13 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elena Artyukova

Genetic diversity of Oxytropis section Xerobia (Fabaceae) in one of the centres of speciation

2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Alla Kholina; Marina Kozyrenko; Elena Artyukova; Denis Sandanov; Inessa Selyutina
Source: check_circle

Variability of Chloroplast DNA in Oxytropis Section Polyadena (Fabaceae) from Asian Russia: Population Analysis and Phylogenetic Relationships

Biology bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2021-03-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elena Artyukova

Iris sanguinea is conspecific with I. sibirica (Iridaceae) according to morphology and plastid DNA sequence data

2020-10-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elena Artyukova

Divergence of Oxytropis Species from the Section Verticillares (Fabaceae) of Steppe Flora of Baikal Siberia Based on Analysis of Chloroplast DNA

Russian Journal of Genetics
2019-07-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elena Artyukova

Iris tibetica, a new combination in I. ser. Lacteae (Iridaceae) from China: evidence from morphological and chloroplast DNA analyses

2018-02-16 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elena Artyukova