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Works (3)

Age Differences in Unemployment Risk and Reemployment Outcomes in Late Working Life in Sweden

Journal of Aging & Social Policy
2024-03-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Gülin Öylü; Andreas Motel-Klingebiel; Susanne Kelfve
Source: check_circle

When we were young: how labour market attachment during mid-life affects labour market exit

International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
2023-12-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Gülin Öylü; Chiara Natalie Focacci; Luis Serratos-Sotelo; Andreas Motel-Klingebiel; Susanne Kelfve
Source: check_circle

Late Work in Sweden: Exit Pathways Express Unequal Exclusion Risks

Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
2022-12-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Gülin Öylü; Susanne Kelfve; Andreas Motel-Klingebiel
Source: check_circle