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The focus of my current work is circular-ESG, Islamic economics and finance, circular and regenerative economy, sustainability management of businesses and national economies to heal ecology and society. I created the Circular-ESG Cartesian model for innovating sustainable business practices by integrating Circular Economy with ESG to enhance Regenerative Humane Development (RHD).
I am presently a Professor in INCEIF - the Global University of Islamic Finance. Previously I worked as Professor in the College of Business and Management, Istanbul Zaim University (IZU), Turkey during August 2020 to August 2022 teaching online because of Covid-19. At IZU, I structured and taught Undergraduate, Masters and PhD courses especially in the emerging areas of ethical (Islamic) finance, circular economy, impact investing and sustainable development. I was also the Managing Director of start-up consultancy firm in the circular economy space—VentureEthica—registered in Ontario Canada, envisioning “healing ecology and society through economy” as our response to climate change.
Previously from August 2009 to July 2020, I worked at the Qatar Foundation as Professor and Director Programs in Hamad Bin Khalifa University and in collaboration with faculty and management established MSc and PhD Programs and Research Center, centering on ethical (Islamic) finance, sustainable businesses, circular economy, and impact investing. I was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard during the summer of 2011, and at Stanford during the summer of 2017.
Before August 2009, I worked for the AAA-rated Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group in IRTI and received excellence of performance award for my contribution Islamic financial services development. I worked at the IsDB since November 1983 in different junior, middle and senior level of academic and managerial positions with a global mandate focusing on financial innovation, inclusion, financial sector development including financial architecture and infrastructure development. We collaborated on projects with the IMF, World Bank, IFSB, IIFM, AAOIFI and other national, regional, and international organizations.
Currently, I have a great research and teaching interest in following up on international initiatives and the transformative climate policy landscape, led specially by the likes of the UNDP, UNEP, etc., covering principles of responsible investments, principles of responsible banking, principles of responsible insurance, SDGs, ESGs, GRI, and regulators’ emerging responses to climate change. I understand that these initiatives have far reaching implications for the transformation of businesses and for sustainable business management and even for a robust change in thinking in economics recognizing planetary boundaries and social foundations.
One of my major recent contributions has been to bring these transformative changes into the classrooms and formulating effective pedagogy, research, and curriculum to develop a new breed of young leaders in business, economics, policy, and academia. This constitutes the pivot of my teaching philosophy. In addition, I have worked for several curriculum structuring and international advisory teams as well as led curriculum development and academic programs for my own colleges. I am focused on designing and implementing graduate programs in sustainability management.
I have been teaching 6 to 9 credit hours per semester in addition to research supervision, conducting research, and community service. I am passionate about most of the courses dealing with the above cited themes towards achieving the climate and inclusive development goals. I am always open to exploring and introducing other courses and undertake pedagogy and research reforms.
I was one of the three awardees of the 2022 Islamic Development Prize in Islamic Economics and Finance "In recognition of his distinguished work to integrate Islamic economics and finance with sustainable development and circular economy and infusing them in higher education programs".
Employment (7)
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Works (35)
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