Personal information

No personal information available


Employment (1)

University of Lisbon: Lisbon, PT

1989-12 to present | Professor (Philosophy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Lisbon: Lisbon, PT

1999 to 1999-01 | PhD (Philosophy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Works (20)

Ductive Force and Ductive Power: For a Phenomenological Theory of Norms

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: check_circle

Ductive Force and Ductive Power

Phenomenology of Normativity and Law (forthcoming, Springer)
2024-11 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Mental Life and Consciousness

Phenomenology and Mind
2024-05 | Magazine article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Sartre - A Transcendência do Ego

Almedina - Edições 70
2024-03 | Translation
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Edmund Husserl - Meditações Cartesianas e Conferências de Paris

Alnedina - Edições 70
2024-02-03 | Translation
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

The Common World and the World for All. A Reappraisal of Husserl’s Theses from a Cosmopolitan Stance

), A Critical Archeology of Cosmopolitan Thinking. Return to the Interwar Years. Beiträge zur Politischen Wissenschaft, Band 2023. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot
2023 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Phenomenology and the Social World. Presentation

2023-12 | Journal article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

A Phenomenological Analysis of the Nomothetic Noema. Discussing the de Dicto and de de Re formulations of Normative Sentences

Phenomenology and Mind
2023-10 | Magazine article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

“Verso una fenomenologia della normatività e del mondo sociale

2022 | Magazine article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Revisiting Reinach and the Early Husserl. For a Phenomenology of Communication

Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
2022-12-08 | Newspaper article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Reducción transcendental: Teoría y método

Guía Comares de Fenomenología. Agustín Serrano (editor). Granada: Comares
2021 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Seres vivos e seus direitos em perspectiva fenomenológica

Mª Luz Pintos, Fenomenóloga. Liber Amicorum. Marcelino Agís Villaverde, Javier Barcia González, Rocío Carolo Tosar e Alba Iglesias Varela (coordenadores). Coruña, Espanha: Hércules Edicións
2021 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Fritz London and the measurement problem: a phenomenological approach

Continental Philosophy Review
2021-12 | Journal article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Is and Ought: Where does the Problem Lie?

The Handbook of Phenomenology. Burt Hopkins, Daniele de Santis, Claudio Majolino (edits.) London: Routledge
2020 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

The Not Always Conscious Mind: A Reappraisal of Brentano’s Theses

Brentano Studien
2020 | Magazine article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Kant en tant que Philosophe de la Science de la Nature

Revista de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea
2020-12-31 | Magazine article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves
Preferred source (of 2)‎

From the Epistemology of Physics to the Philosophy of Nature: Some Reflections in the Wake of Seebohm’s Theses

Thomas Seebohm on the Foundations of the Sciences. An Analysis and Critical Appraisal. Thomas Nenon (ed.) Contributions to Phenomenology, nº 105. The Hague: Springer
2019 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Vers une phénoménologie de la normativité. Une circonscription préliminaire du domaine

Phenomenology and Mind
2017 | Magazine article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Fenomenología del Tiempo y de la Percepción

Biblioteca Nueva: Madrid
2011 | Book
Contributors: Pedro M. S. Alves
Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Fenomenología del Tiempo y de la Percepción

Source: Self-asserted source
Pedro M. S. Alves

Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Husserl studies. (1)
Review activity for Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences. (1)