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Works (16)

Notch/Hairless Pathway Modulation ofsogTranscriptional Bursting in Prelude to Gastrulation

2024-09-17 | Preprint
Contributors: Kelli D. Fenelon; Priyanshi Borad; Biraaj Rout; Parisa Boodaghimalidarreh; Mohammad S. Nasr; Jacob Luber; Theodora Koromila
Source: check_circle

Histopathology Slide Indexing and Search — Are We There Yet?

2024-04-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Helen H. Shang; Mohammad Sadegh Nasr; Jai Prakash Veerla; Jillur Rahman Saurav; Amir Hajighasemi; Parisa Malidarreh; Manfred Huber; Chace Moleta; Jitin Makker; Jacob M. Luber
Source: check_circle

BetaBuddy: An automated end-to-end computer vision pipeline for analysis of calcium fluorescence dynamics in β-cells

2024-03-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Anne M. Alsup; Salman Sadullah Usmani; Kelli Fowlds; Michael Cho; Jacob M. Luber
Source: check_circle

The state of applying artificial intelligence to tissue imaging for cancer research and early detection [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

2023-11-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2046-1402
Contributors: Michael Robben; Amir Hajighasemi; Mohammad Sadegh Nasr; Jai Prakesh Veerla; Anne Marie Alsup; Biraaj Rout; Helen H. Shang; Kelli Fowlds; Parisa Boodaghi Malidarreh; Paul Koomey et al.
Source: check_circle

Comparison of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Machine Learning Algorithms and Feature Selection on KEGG Database Microbial Gene Pathway Annotation and Its Effects on Reconstructed Network Topology

Journal of Computational Biology
2023-07-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael Robben; Mohammad Sadegh Nasr; Avishek Das; Jai Prakash Veerla; Manfred Huber; Justyn Jaworski; Jon Weidanz; Jacob Luber
Source: check_circle

Selection of an Ideal Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Perturbation Effects on Network Topology of Bacterial KEGG Pathways

2022-07-22 | Preprint
Contributors: Michael Robben; Mohammad Sadegh Nasr; Avishek Das; Manfred Huber; Justyn Jaworski; Jon Weidanz; Jacob Luber
Source: check_circle

Single-cell analyses identify circulating anti-tumor CD8 T cells and markers for their enrichment

Journal of Experimental Medicine
2021-04-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Kristen E. Pauken; Osmaan Shahid; Kaitlyn A. Lagattuta; Kelly M. Mahuron; Jacob M. Luber; Margaret M. Lowe; Linglin Huang; Conor Delaney; Jaclyn M. Long; Megan E. Fung et al.
Source: check_circle

A systematic machine learning and data type comparison yields metagenomic predictors of infant age, sex, breastfeeding, antibiotic usage, country of origin, and delivery type

PLOS Computational Biology
2020-05-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Nicola Segata; Braden T. Tierney; Jacob M. Luber; Evan M. Cofer; Aleksandar D. Kostic; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Meta-omics analysis of elite athletes identifies a performance-enhancing microbe that functions via lactate metabolism

Nature Medicine
2019-07-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Jonathan Scheiman; Jacob M. Luber; Theodore A. Chavkin; Tara MacDonald; Angela Tung; Loc-Duyen Pham; Marsha C. Wibowo; Renee C. Wurth; Sukanya Punthambaker; Braden T. Tierney et al.
Source: check_circle

Aether: leveraging linear programming for optimal cloud computing in genomics

2017 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1367-4803
Contributors: Jacob M Luber; Braden T Tierney; Evan M Cofer; Chirag J Patel; Aleksandar D Kostic
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacob Luber via Crossref Metadata Search

Assessment of the cPAS-based BGISEQ-500 platform for metagenomic sequencing

2017 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2047-217X
Contributors: Chao Fang; Huanzi Zhong; Yuxiang Lin; Bin Chen; Mo Han; Huahui Ren; Haorong Lu; Jacob Mayne Luber; Min Xia; Wangsheng Li et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacob Luber via Crossref Metadata Search

The 4D nucleome project

2017-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0028-0836
Contributors: Job Dekker; Andrew S. Belmont; Mitchell Guttman; Victor O. Leshyk; John T. Lis; Stavros Lomvardas; Leonid A. Mirny; Clodagh C. O’Shea; Peter J. Park; Bing Ren et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacob Luber via Crossref Metadata Search

Aether: Leveraging Linear Programming for Optimal Cloud Computing In Genomics

2017-07-13 | Preprint
Contributors: Jacob M. Luber; Braden T. Tierney; Evan M. Cofer; Chirag J. Patel; Aleksandar D. Kostic
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Gut Microbiota: Small Molecules Modulate Host Cellular Functions

Current Biology
2017-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0960-9822
Contributors: Jacob M. Luber; Aleksandar D. Kostic
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacob Luber via Crossref Metadata Search

HiGlass: Web-based Visual Exploration and Analysis of Genome Interaction Maps

2017-03-31 | Preprint
Contributors: Peter Kerpedjiev; Nezar Abdennur; Fritz Lekschas; Chuck McCallum; Kasper Dinkla; Hendrik Strobelt; Jacob M Luber; Scott Ouellette; Alaleh Azhir; Nikhil Kumar et al.
Source: check_circle

The 4D Nucleome Project

2017-01 | Other
Contributors: Job Dekker; Andrew S Belmont; Mitchell Guttman; Victor O Leshyk; John T Lis; Stavros Lomvardas; Leonid A Mirny; Clodagh C O'Shea; Peter J Park; Bing Ren et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacob Luber via Crossref Metadata Search