Personal information


Employment (1)

Dogs Trust: London, GB

2022-08-01 to present | Canine Behavioural Welfare Research Studies Manager (Strategy and Transformation )
Source: Self-asserted source
Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Liverpool: Liverpool, GB

2020-06-01 to 2021-07-01 (Epidemiology and Public Health)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka

University of Liverpool: Liverpool, GB

2016-10-01 to 2020-07-01 | PhD (Risk and Uncertainty )
Source: Self-asserted source
Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka

Works (15)

Puppy Socialisation Experiences in Relation to Age and COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions in the UK and ROI

2024-05-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Rachel H. Kinsman; Hoi-Lam Jim; Rachel A. Casey; Eliza Ruiz-Izaguirre; Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka; Ben Cooper; Séverine Tasker; Jane K. Murray
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Welsh hospital admissions due to dog bites and strikes (2014-2022)

2024-03-06 | Preprint
Contributors: Sara C Owczarczak-Garstecka; James A Oxley; John SP Tulloch
Source: check_circle

“It’s Like Living with a Sassy Teenager!”: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Owners’ Comments about Dogs between the Ages of 12 Weeks and 2 Years

2023-06 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka; Rosa E. P. Da Costa; Naomi D. Harvey; Kassandra Giragosian; Rachel Kinsman; Rachel Casey; Séverine Tasker; Jane Murray
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Age of sexual maturity and factors associated with neutering dogs in the UK and the Republic of Ireland

Veterinary Record
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Rosa E. P. Da Costa; Rachel H. Kinsman; Sara C. Owczarczak‐Garstecka; Rachel A. Casey; Séverine Tasker; Toby G. Knowles; Joshua L. Woodward; Michelle S. Lord; Jane K. Murray
Source: check_circle

Introducing a Puppy to Existing Household Cat(s): Mixed Method Analysis

2022-09 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Rachel Kinsman; Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka; Rachel Casey; Rosa E. P. Da Costa; Séverine Tasker; Jane Murray
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

“<i>If You Don’t See the Dog, What Can You Do?”</i> Using Procedures to Negotiate the Risk of Dog Bites in Occupational Contexts

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2021-07 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka; Robert Christley; Francine Watkins; Huadong Yang; Carri Westgarth
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Dog Walking before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Experiences of UK Dog Owners

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2021-06 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka; Taryn M. Graham; Debra C. Archer; Carri Westgarth
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

“<i>More Attention than Usual</i>”: A Thematic Analysis of Dog Ownership Experiences in the UK during the First COVID-19 Lockdown

2021-01 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Katrina Holland; Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka; Katharine L. Anderson; Rachel A. Casey; Robert Christley; Lauren Harris; Kirsten McMillan; Rebecca Mead; Jane Murray; Lauren Samet et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

English hospital episode data analysis (1998–2018) reveal that the rise in dog bite hospital admissions is driven by adult cases

Scientific Reports
2021-01-19 | Journal article
Contributors: John S. P. Tulloch; Sara C. Owczarczak-Garstecka; Kate M. Fleming; Roberto Vivancos; Carri Westgarth
Source: check_circle

Impact of the First COVID-19 Lockdown on Management of Pet Dogs in the UK

2020-12 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Robert M. Christley; Jane Murray; Katharine L. Anderson; Emma L. Buckland; Rachel A. Casey; Naomi D. Harvey; Lauren Harris; Katrina Holland; Kirsten M. McMillan; Rebecca Mead et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Sleep Duration and Behaviours: A Descriptive Analysis of a Cohort of Dogs up to 12 Months of Age

2020-07-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Rachel Kinsman; Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka; Rachel Casey; Toby Knowles; Séverine Tasker; Joshua Woodward; Rosa Da Costa; Jane Murray
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Dog bite safety at work: An injury prevention perspective on reported occupational dog bites in the UK

Safety Science
2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Exploration of Perceptions of Dog Bites among YouTube™ Viewers and Attributions of Blame

2018 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka

Online videos indicate human and dog behaviour preceding dog bites and the context in which bites occur

Scientific Reports
2018-05-08 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka

Can Sleep and Resting Behaviours Be Used as Indicators of Welfare in Shelter Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)?

Plos ONE
2016-10-12 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka