Personal information
Maria Tzelepi is a postdoctoral researcher with the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), working at the Intelligent Digital Transformation Laboratory (IDT Lab). She holds a BSc, an MSc and a PhD in Informatics from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), since 2013, 2016, and 2021, respectively. Her PhD thesis, entitled “Deep Learning Techniques in Digital Media” under the supervision of Prof. Anastasios Tefas, received the best 2020-2021 doctoral thesis award in the area of Artificial Intelligence by the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society. Her research interests include deep representation learning, image analysis and retrieval, computer vision, and time-series analysis and forecasting.
Dr Tzelepi has co-authored more than 40 research papers in refereed journals and conferences, and contributed to 3 book chapters in her area of expertise. She serves regularly as a reviewer for many international journals and conferences. She participated in several European and National funded research projects. More details on Dr. Tzelepi activities and research outputs can be found at: