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Anderson has achieved his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineer at USP in 2016 and his MSc. in Computer Engineering at IPT in 2010. He has a MBA in System Analysis (FECAP-1993) and a technological degree in Data Processing (FIEO-1991). He has two post-doctoral degrees from USP. The first in 2017, where he acted as technical coordinator of the project “Smart Campus – Testbed for Concepts and Technologies Applied to Cities” and the second in 2022 where he worked on the project "A Non-Intrusive Behavior Analysis System Based on Facial Expression Recognition (FER) and Multi-correlation". He currently works as a Senior Researcher at IPT and has served as IT manager at the private initiative for 23 years. Anderson is also professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Applied Computer Science at IPT, undergraduate and graduate courses at UNIP, SENAC, Wyden Metrocamp and UNOESTE (where he is also pedagogical technical coordinator). His main line of research includes information security, IoT sensor networks, the concept of Smart Cities, Cloud/Fog computing, machine learning methods for attack prediction and strategic analysis techniques based on Game Theory concepts. and statistics.