Personal information


Employment (1)

Drexel University: Philadelphia, PA, US

2017-08-20 to present | Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

Education and qualifications (4)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Engineering: Urbana, IL, US

2012-08-15 to 2016-06-15 | Ph.D./Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic): Tehran, Tehran, IR

1999-09-23 to 2006-03-06 | Ph.D./Medical Engineering (Biomechanics) (Department of Biomedical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic): Tehran, Tehran, IR

1997-09-23 to 1999-09-15 | M.Sc./ Medical Engineering (Biomechanics) (Department of Biomedical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

Shiraz University: Shiraz, Fars, IR

1992-09-23 to 1997-09-22 | B.Sc./Mechanical Engineering (Solids Design) (School of Mechanical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

Professional activities (19)

American Society of Biomechanics: Atlanta, US

2019-12-19 to present | Regular
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

IOP Publishing Ltd: Bristol, Bristol, GB

2019-11-11 to present | Early Career Research Board (Multifunctional Materials)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

Biomedical Engineering Society: Landover, MD, US

2019-09-12 to present | Early Career
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization: -, US

2019 to present | Regular
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

United States Association for Computational Mechanics: Austin, Texas, US

2018 to present | Active Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

American Society of Mechanical Engineers: NY, NY, US

2014 to present | ASME Member 2-3 Years After Graduation
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

IMECE 2020: Portland, Oregon, US

2020-11-15 to 2020-11-19 | Organizing Committee (Mini-symposium on Emerging Topology and Shape Optimization Techniques in Computational Design of Materials and Structures) (IMECE 2020 : International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

IMECE 2019: Salt Lake City, Utah, US

2019-11-08 to 2019-11-14 | Organizing Committee (Mini-symposium on Emerging Topology and Shape Optimization Techniques in Computational Design of Materials and Structures) (IMECE 2019: International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

2019 BMES Annual Meeting: Philadelphia, PA, US

2019-10-16 to 2019-10-19 | Session chair (Bone Mechanics and Mechanobiology) (Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

USNCCM2019: Austin, Texas, US

2019-07-28 to 2019-08-01 | Organizing Committee (Mini-symposium on Emerging Topology and Shape Optimization Techniques in Computational Materials Design) (USNCCM2019: US National Congress on Computational Mechanics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

USNCCM2019: Austin, Texas, US

2019-07-28 to 2019-08-01 | Session chair (Mini-symposium on Emerging Topology and Shape Optimization Techniques in Computational Materials Design) (USNCCM2019: US National Congress on Computational Mechanics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

WCSMO 13: Beijing, CN

2019-05-20 to 2019-05-24 | Session Chair (Mini-symposium on Shape and Size Optimization) (WCSMO 13: World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

Drexel University: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

2019-04-12 to 2019-04-12 | Session chair (International Symposium on Metallic 3/4 D Printing: Current Challenges and Next Generation Paradigms) (Drexel Metallic 3/4D Printing )
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

Drexel University: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

2019-04-12 to 2019-04-12 | Co-organizing Committee (International Symposium on Metallic 3/4 D Printing: Current Challenges and Next Generation Paradigms) (Drexel Metallic 3/4D Printing)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

Biophysical Society: Rockville, Maryland, US

2016-10-03 to 2018-12-31 | Early Career Membership
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

IMECE 2018: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

2018-09-09 to 2018-09-15 | Session Co-chair (Multi-Scale Computations in Fluids, Structures, and Materials) (IMECE 2018 : International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

World Congress in Computational Mechanics 2018: New York, New York, US

2018-07-22 to 2018-07-27 | Co-organizing Committee (Mini-symposium on Computational Materials Design: Emerging Multiscale, Optimization and Reconstruction Techniques)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

World Congress in Computational Mechanics 2018: New York, New York, US

2018-07-22 to 2018-07-27 | Session Chair (Mini-symposium on Computational Materials Design: Emerging Multiscale, Optimization and Reconstruction Techniques)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

IMECE 2015: Houston, Texas, US

2015-11-13 to 2015-11-19 | Session Co-chair (Optimization in Systems and Design) (IMECE 2015 : International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi

Peer review (33 reviews for 9 publications/grants)

Review activity for Additive manufacturing. (1)
Review activity for Artificial intelligence review. (1)
Review activity for Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering. (10)
Review activity for Computers in biology and medicine. (1)
Review activity for Engineering fracture mechanics. (2)
Review activity for International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. (4)
Review activity for Medical & biological engineering & computing. (1)
Review activity for Structural and multidisciplinary optimization. (11)
Review activity for Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics. (2)