Personal information
SCI publications: 42
SCI in D1: 25 (8 as first author, of which 1 in Nature Plants, 2 as senior author)
SCI in Q1: 41 (10 as first author, 2 as senior author)
H-index: 21/21/23 (Scopus/Web of Science/Google Scholar).
Total citations: 1509/1417 (of which 392/339 in 2021, Scopus/Web of Science as of January 2022). Average citations/Year during postdoctoral period: 91.27. Average Citations/Year: 112.8 (WoS).
1 article with >200 citations, 3 with >100 and 8 articles with >50 citations, WoS).
14 articles with IF>5; Mean impact factor: 4.65 and 4.97 for postdoctoral publications
Book chapters: 2
Non-indexed publications: 2
Conferences and seminars: 13 international (8 upon invitation) and 6 national (1 upon invitation) lectured by the candidate. Total: 35 (15 international). 11 posters (8 international).
Research Funds managed: 2 projects as single PI and 1 as co-PI: 97,042.00€
1 Jóvenes Líderes en Investigación. Fundación Séneca, Murcia (2018): 49,052.00€
1 IV.2 Atracción de Talento, Universidad de Sevilla (2020). 40,000.00€
1 as co-PI from the Generalitat Valenciana (2016): 8,000.00€
Research Grants: 6 grants in 4 institutions: 129,810.00€ (JdC, FPI, research stays)
Supervision: 2 MSc (1 in Italy, Trieste and 1 in Chile, La Serena); Currently supervising a PhD student: University of Murcia
International research stays: (15 manuscripts in SCI, 7 as first and 1 as senior author).
2018 Postdoctoral. University of La Serena, Chile, 15 days.
2014. Postdoctoral. CEFE – CNRS. Montpellier, France. 9 months
2013. Postdoctoral (x2). INRA. Montpellier, France. 5 months total
2011 - 2013. Postdoctoral. CEFE – CNRS. Montpellier, France. 21 months
2011 and 2012. Postdoctoral. IRD-NAFRI, Laos (1 month each)
2012 and 2013 Postdoctoral. CATIE, Costa Rica (1 month each)
2006, 2007 and 2008. Predoctoral. USU, Utah (USA). 8 months
2008. Predoctoral. University of La Serena (Chile). 1 month
Employment (6)
Education and qualifications (1)
Funding (8)