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Works (4)

Power-Efficient LFP-Adaptive Dynamic Zoom-and-Track Incremental ΔΣ Front-End for Dual-Band Subcortical Recordings

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems
2023-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Sungjin Oh; Hyunsoo Song; Nathan Slager; Jose Roberto Lopez Ruiz; Sung-Yun Park; Euisik Yoon
Source: check_circle

A 3.1-5.2GHz, Energy-Efficient Single Antenna, Cancellation-Free, Bitwise Time-Division Duplex Transceiver for High Channel Count Optogenetic Neural Interface

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Yu-Ju Lin; Hyunsoo Song; Sungjin Oh; Mihály Vöröslakos; Kanghwan Kim; Xing Chen; David D. Wentzloff; György Buzsáki; Sung-Yun Park; Euisik Yoon
Source: check_circle

A Miniaturized 256-Channel Neural Recording Interface With Area-Efficient Hybrid Integration of Flexible Probes and CMOS Integrated Circuits

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Sung-Yun Park; Kyounghwan Na; Mihaly Voroslakos; Hyunsoo Song; Nathan Slager; Sungjin Oh; John Seymour; Gyorgy Buzsaki; Euisik Yoon
Source: check_circle

Low-Power, Bio-Inspired Time-Stamp-Based 2-D Optic Flow Sensor for Artificial Compound Eyes of Micro Air Vehicles

IEEE Sensors Journal
2019-12-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Seokjun Park; Kyuseok Lee; Hyunsoo Song; Jihyun Cho; Sung-Yun Park; Euisik Yoon
Source: check_circle