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Elizabeth Grumbach (she/her) is the Director of Digital Humanities and Research at Arizona State University's Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics. She currently serves as the Co-Vice-President (2024-2026)/Co-President Elect (2026-2028) of the Association for the Computers and the Humanities (ACH). Her current research focuses on design justice and critical tech interventions that incorporate care practices and community-driven research. She is currently the Co-PI with Dr. Sarah Florini for the "Algorithmic Folk Theories" project, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities; the project seeks to bring together academic researchers and digital content creators to identify and analyze folk theories regarding algorithmic content curation and moderation on TikTok in order to identify opportunities and strategies for combating the spread of mis/disinformation and hate speech on the platform.
Her past projects surface interventions for critical data studies and embodied data visualizations ("Counting the Dead: Arizona’s Forgotten Pandemic" [2018]), as well as digital pedagogy, technical frameworks for optical character recognition and text analysis, and care-based project management. She currently directs the Digital Reparative Archives working group at ASU, and she serves on the Board of Directors for Zombified Media, an educational nonprofit that seeks to use the metaphor of the apocalypse to form strategies for survival and community care in crisis.
Her most recent published work can be found in Digital Humanities Quarterly, the Journal for Electronic Publishing, and the Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, as well as the Routledge Companion to Libraries, Archives, and the Digital Humanities.
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