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Comunication, History of comunication, Culture Latin American, Comunication Latin American, Communication Theories, Research methodology


CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship. Associate Professor in History of Communication and Media Culture in Latin America (2014). He completed his Post-doctorate (2008) in the Graduate Program in Integration of Latin America at the University of São Paulo – (PROLAM / USP), a PhD in Social Communication from the Methodist University of São Paulo (2002). Head of the Social Communication Department of FAAC-Unesp (2017-2019). He was a Fellow of the Institute of Applied Research (IPEA) - year 2010-2013. Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication, professor and was vice-coordinator (2009-2017) of the Postgraduate Program in Media and Technology, both of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Administrative Director (2013-2016 management) of SOCICOM (Brazilian Federation of Scientific and Academic Communication Associations). She was Director-secretary of the Folkcom Network. In the 2008-2011 period she was Director of Documentation for INTERCOM (Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Communication Studies) and currently is part of the management (2017-2019) in the Fiscal Council. Ad-hoc Consultant (Institutional and Communication Courses) of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research of the Ministry of Education (INEP / MEC). Coordinator of the Research Group on Latin American Communications Thinking (PCLA) of CNPq. She was Alternate Director of the Unesco Chair of Communication (1998-2010). Assistant Editor - Latin American Association of Communication Researchers - ALAIC. Winner of the Luiz Beltrão Award - Category: Academic Maturity of the Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Communication Studies (2014). He works in the area of Communication, with an emphasis on History of Communication and Media Culture, History and Memory (Communication), Latin American Communication, Youth Cultures, Popular Culture, Cultural Diversity, Media-cultural Profiles (Institutions and Personalities), Theories of Communication and Culture in Latin America, Journalism and its social and technological nuances and Digital Technologies in Latin America, Gender and Human and Social Development E-mail:;