Personal information
Sylvie Renaud is a Professor in Electronics at Bordeaux Institute of Technology and IMS UMR5218, a joint research unit between CNRS, University of Bordeaux and Bordeaux INP (France). Beetwen 2015 and 2020, she was a deputy director of IMS (380 personnel).
She graduated in electronic engineering in Supelec (Paris) in 1986, received her PhD in Physics at the University of Bordeaux in 1990, and her HDR (Research Direction Habilitation) in 2001. After a post-doctoral stay at Brandeis University (MA, USA) she was appointed as Associate Professor, then Professor at Bordeaux Institute of Technology, where she was Director for Research in 2009-2014. In the IMS institute, she created in 1994 the Engineering of Neuromorphic Systems team, then the BioElectronics group in 2001. She was deputy director of IMS institute (400 personnel) between 2016 and 2021.
Sylvie Renaud research focus is on BioElectronics, where she integrates IC design and biomedical technological needs in an interdisciplinary approach. Her interests are: analog and mixed neuromorphic VLSI; hardware platforms of real-time spiking neural networks; hybrid systems interfacing living and artificial neurons; analog ASICs for biological signal conditioning and events detection; active VLSI implants for neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes; closed-loop living-artificial systems for clincial-driven applications; multi-organs-on-chip devices.
She participated or coordinated 12 international and national research projects and authored more than 50 reviewed international articles and communications. She is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TBCAS journal. She coordinated a EU intensive doctoral program on biomedical engineering, and participated in the European Flagship program Human Brain Project. Sylvie Renaud is since 2015 regularly appointed by the EU as a panel co-chair in FET-ICT and COST programs ; she has been an expert for NSF-NIH calls since 2008. She was appointed in 2015-2019 as a member of the CNRS Engineering Department (INSIS) Scientific Council. In 2021, she was nominated as a board member for the Micro-Nanotechnologies section 08 of the National Committee for Scientific Research (CoNRS).
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (3)
Funding (20)
1R01EB027584 - 01 (NIH)
FEDER-FSE Aquitaine 2014-2020 - 3538510
FP6-2004-IST-FETPI - 15879