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Works (3)

Factors affecting female college students’ intention to use digital technology in wearable devices to stimulate health monitoring

2023-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Grace Donghee Shin; Wookyoung Jeong; Hye-Eun Lee
Source: check_circle

Improving patient engagement by fostering the sharing of activity tracker data with providers: a qualitative study

Health Information & Libraries Journal
2020-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Grace Donghee Shin; Yuanyuan Feng; Nicci Gafinowitz; Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi
Source: check_circle

Wearable activity trackers, accuracy, adoption, acceptance and health impact: A systematic literature review

Journal of Biomedical Informatics
2019-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Grace Shin; Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi; Yu Fei; Amir Karami; Nicci Gafinowitz; Ahjung Byun; Xiaopeng Lu
Source: check_circle